Wednesday brought the debut of the latest rock stars in Seattle coffee connoisseurship to a parking lot on Capitol Hill — and you’re too late to say you were there.
But you can say you were there for the second day of Slate Coffee Roasters and their mobile “Slatestream” trailer. The Twitter feed promises a 6:30 to 11 AM run Thursday morning in the Piecora’s parking lot at 14th and Madison.
Coffee smart guys Sprudge were impressed with the pedigree:
The project has a few intriguing resumes to boast, with an opening staff that includes Timothy Graham (ex-Victrola), Brandon Paul Weaver, and Nik Virrey (both former Zoka employees).
It’s the second appearance of Virrey — who also tends bar at Liberty — on the site this week, by the way.
Slate, also apparently opening a cafe in Ballard, takes a manifesto approach to its coffee vision:
Central to this vision is the idea that coffee is special – chemically, it is the most complex item humans consume. When handled correctly, coffee can exhibit a diversity of flavors unlike anything else on the planet. Tasting coffees like these represented a paradigm shift in our idea of what coffee could be and it is Slate’s goal to share these coffees with you. To do this, we have tried to reframe the coffee experience in a culinary context by emphasizing intentionality, hospitality and exploration.
You can learn more at Check out @slatecoffee to keep track of the Slatestream’s comings and goings.
k thx.
Very hard working and awesome dudes! Wishing them all the very best in their latest endeavor! Let’s all support them!
“paradigm shift”
“reframe the coffee experience”
“culinary context”
“intentionality and exploration
Tell me this is a put-on, please. A parody.
sipping on a cup right now that i just picked up at the Slate mobile.. excellent roast and well prepared coffee. i think this is a great addition to the Seattle coffee lineup.
I am hopefull for a place that prepares an excellent cup of coffee with out the hipster attitude, and I will be giving the place a try soon.
I sure hope it’s a parody. Otherwise, that press release is one of the most pretentious things ever.
It’s ambitious, not pretentious. Ask a Slate employee about coffee and see if they turn their nose up at you.
Hey y’all
I work at Slate. Come on over some morning. If you feel we are putting you on or pretentious or anything of the like, let me know. Ill buy your coffee for you.
Brandon Paul Weaver
OK, I believe you and I’ll try a cup.
My comments were directed at the writing/PR hype, not your product.
I’m probably too much of a Strunk+White guy…simple, direct, minimal…but I’ll look forward to your coffee pushing me into spasms of ecstasy, creating a personal paradigm shift and reframing my attitudes toward intentionality, hospitality and exploration.
Where’s the truck located?
[…] the guys behind Slate Coffee mounting an espresso revolution and plotting a Ballard cafe while spending their mornings in a parking lot at 14th and Madison, Shari Klein is taking a more worker-like approach to launching her Style Espresso business inside […]
[…] made a daytime business of it for years and recent efforts by some of the Liberty extended family to launch Slate Coffee could also help to inform the venture. One bit of paperwork does reveal that the deal has been in […]
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