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Join Capitol Hill queen Jinkx Monsoon for Broadway premier of reality show

Break out those heels and hair extensions. With Capitol Hill’s own Jinkx Monsoon in the reality-TV spotlight as she appears on RuPaul’s Drag Race tonight, there’s no better time than to get inspired and learn how to work-it.

Monday night, join Monsoon — Jerick Hoffer fresh off a Hedwig run —  at Julia’s on Broadway to watch the performer in the season 5 premier of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Here’s details from the Facebook event page:

We are counting down the days for RuPaul’s Drag Race season 5 to start!

This year will be the BEST season-ever!!!

The best part about it is, our VERY OWN Premier Narcoleptic Drag Queen, JINKX MONSOON, is on it! She is the first PNW queen to make the cut as RuPaul’s best for 2013.

Many queens tried out, but only a handful of the best were selected from across the nation. 
This season promises to be more Fierce, Outrageous, Drama-filled!

Come to Julia’s On Broadway every Monday and watch on our 15 foot screen! You’ll have a great view, with amazing sound. Don’t miss anything that is done or said! 

Our Viewing Party will be hosted by the ridiculously funny and entertaining, Ben DeLacreme. Ben is one of Seattle’s top drag performers and best queen to host our viewing party. Jinkx will be viewing the show with us when not filming with RuPaul. Ben and Jinkx will be commenting on the “behind the scenes” of the show!

Every Monday we’ll have:
– FUN Prize giveaways from the Seattle Squadron Softball Team 
– Food & Drink specials
– Members of the Le Faux will also be in attendance
– Other surprises and special guests

Come show your support for Le Faux’s host, JINKX MONSOON and watch the show at Julia’s on Broadway! 
We are so proud to be the home of the first girl from the Pacific Northwest, to be on RuPaul’s Drag Race! 

The party starts January 28th, for great seats come early for dinner starting at 7 pm, for reservations please call 206 334 0513. ALL AGES are welcome!!
www.JuliasRestaurantSeattl seattlesquadron

According to the star, “It’s Monsoon season, bitches.”


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12 years ago

I REALLY hope Julia’s gets it together for this. 2 years ago they hosted American Idol nights on Wednesday and had happy hour all night the first week was good. However week after TANKED! They also had the baseball games on and so we couldn’t hear the show they advertised was airing also the staff had no idea that it was even a planned and advertised event and had loud music playing while we were watching the show. I hope they can pull their shit together and imagine they will since its someone local.

The Lobby Bar
12 years ago

We’re super excited to be Seattle’s only official RuPaul’s Drag Race viewing party location for the fourth straight year (did we say straight?)

The fabulously funny Lily Armani and Glamazonia have agreed to host again this year for a very exciting season five.

Every Monday we’ll have:
– Official merchandise to giveaway
– A drawing for prizes
– Absolut drink specials
– And $1 shots every time you hear “lip synch for your life”

Start your engines . . . and see you every Monday starting January 28th.

11 years ago
Reply to  The Lobby Bar

Shady post this even if Lobby Bar is the “official” RPDR. You could have at least given a nod to JINKX. The queen who proved to be legitimately “fabulously funny”.


[…] queens from the last five seasons of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Denizens of Capitol Hill already know Jinkx from Julia’s (or alter-ego Jerick Hoffer from such hit musicals as Spring Awakening), but RuPaul’s […]