Police swarmed the area around 27th and Thomas Friday morning after a gunpoint robbery that involved a suspect — and silver pistol — matching descriptions reported in two recent hold-ups on Capitol Hill.
According to police, a man called 911 Friday morning just after 9 AM to report his mother had been held up at gunpoint and had her purse taken on the street near 27th and Thomas. The suspect was described as a black male in his 20s, wearing a long, black jacket and brandishing a silver pistol. According to radio dispatches, the victim said the suspect had chambered a round as he threatened her during the course of the robbery.
Police responded to the area on the foggy morning and could be seen on foot and slowly cruising the neighborhood’s streets. SPD reports that the search was not successful and that the suspect was not seen again in the area after leaving the scene of his crime eastbound on Thomas.
The robbery is the third in the area this month involving a suspect threatening his victims with a silver pistol. CHS reported on this gunpoint hold-up near 21st and John Monday afternoon and a woman told police she had a gun held to her head in a robbery at 21st and Mercer on Thursday, January 10th.
CHS recently reported on 2012 crime trends for the area as burglary and assaults rose but robberies fell.
This sucks.
Victims have been two females, one male (the robbery at 21st and John). This is an equal opportunity thug. Hope he gets taken off the streets soon!
Monday’s vic was a guy
Any additional details beside black male in his 20’s? Facial hair, long hair, tattoos, birth marks, dirty or well groomed, etc. The more descriptions the better.