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Capitol Hill coyote was old for a city dweller — Volunteer Park family lives on

The results of a field necropsy of the coyote that was hunted down and killed last month near Volunteer Park by a federal biologist show that the animal was much older than coyotes typically found living in an urban environment.

According to a Department of Agriculture wildlife services representative, results of tests for parvovirus, leptospirosis, plague and tularemia will not be available for at least six months.

The field necropsy performed by the federal bioligist showed the coyote was around six or seven years old. It survived what is described as a “traumatic hip injury” at some point in its life and “had a normal number of external parasites, such as ticks and lice.”

The coyote kept authorities on the move in late November as it was spotted frequently traveling between Volunteer Park and the Arboretum via city streets. Coyotes prefer E Prospect, by the way. On the day it was finally shot, it had been seen following students near Stevens Elementary. Authorities believed the coyote was showing signs of illness and there were reports of occasional agressive behavior toward people and dogs around the neighborhood.

Seattle Parks said that a family of healthy coyotes was found living near Volunteer Park during the hunt and the animals continue to make their home in the middle of the city surviving on pests like rats and rabbits — as well as an unfortunate neighborhood cat here and there.

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Valarie Bunn
12 years ago

Thank you for your work on this follow-up report about the coyote on Capitol Hill. I appreciate the info about what happened.

12 years ago
