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Capitol Hill EcoDistrict Project Director just might be greenest gig on the Hill

Since the neighborhood blogger role is filled and the Slats thing was an unpaid internship, this might also be the coolest job on Capitol Hill. Capitol Hill Housing is on the hunt for a Capitol Hill EcoDistrict Project Director who will work with the nonprofit development to bring a plan to further green the dense neighborhood and develop sustainability projects across the Hill.

Plus, the gig pays between $62,000 and $67,000 — depending on your experience reinventing the way the world works.

In 2011, CHS wrote about the early plans for studying a big-picture sustainability overhaul for the area near the coming Capitol Hill light rail station. Earlier this year, the Bullitt Foundation-backed study was presented at a public forum. It’s a worthy 138-page read and outlines goals for the area and solutions that could be put in place to make it happen.

Your mission as director — should you decide to take it — is to take this program to the next level by helping the area achieve green goals and undertaking sustainability projects. Plus, figure out how to pay for it.

Tip of the hat to @gabrielscheer.

Ecodistrict Dir

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12 years ago

Just what we don’t need, another beauracrat.

12 years ago

I don’t get it. We already have 95% hydropower here, so unless we use it to heat the hot water, we’re just going backwards. And if we are using it to heat hot water, what’s the point?

You could do solar hot water or geothermal, I suppose, but again, unless you have electric back-up, you’re just doing a vanity green project. Just because somebody saw it in Europe, that doesn’t mean it’s right for us.

It’s bad enough that City Light seems to be dedicated to destroying an entire rain forest in order to send us endless mailings asking for “our input”, or scolding us about how lazy and inefficient we are compared to the neighbors. Do we have to underwrite this nonsense also?

12 years ago

Why the negative comments on this job posting?
Sounds like a terrific opportunity – making the densest neighborhood in the Northwest more sustainable while creating a responsible path for the development we all know is coming. Sounds like a wide open door for someone smart to take charge. I’m all in favor.

12 years ago

What is ten buildings could share the same geothermal well? What if you could do enough solar on ten buildings to make it worth it in this climate? And cost-share. I think these things are worth looking at.

The on interesting perspective is the more “off the grid” wealthy developments like Bullitt become, the more costs go up on the rest of us – further driving up utility costs for poor people.

12 years ago

I sure hope that huge skyscraper, pictured on the east side of Broadway at about E Thomas, doesn’t ever become a reality! Talk about out of scale for the neighborhood….