With the Grrrl Army currently waging its battle up on Aurora, you may have noted that one of its 12th Ave targets has been undergoing some changes. The pink paint job has been covered up. Brown paper and a rainbow of lights have been up in the windows of the former Capitol Hill Market space. Saturday, new fashion pop-up Style Syndicate is taking over the space.
Paul Mendes sent us this note about the project:
Paul Mendes (Image via Facebook)
We’re launching Style Syndicate, a pop up-esque shop housed at the Capitol Hill Market space at 1728 12th Ave.
We’re featuring local designs, vintage collections and peculiar furnishings. We’d love to see you tomorrow if you’re able to join us.
I apologize for the last minute invite. I’ve been knee deep in build out and just came up for air.
Not a problem, Paul. CHS likes to be surprised every now and then.
The shop debuts Saturday with an opening party. The not-always-reliable Facebook page days and hours for the shop are listed as Saturdays and Tuesdays only.
The shop looks like it might be a rather short-lived affair. We’ve caught wind of another project in the works that won’t leave much room for fashion in the near-term. Details on that soon. In the meantime, enjoy the party.
You can learn more at syndicate206.com.

Good to see the space being used, even if only temporarily.
Does anyone have any info about this new development on E John?
MUP# 3014162 “Combining 1113 and 1119 E John Street Demolish two existing single family residence and build a new 4 story 48 unit apartment buidling.”
Just curious if anyone knew more details.