Fade in: A group of aspiring filmmakers gathered in a Capitol Hill cafe for a free event that just might unlock a new path in their lives. Outside, Capitol Hill beckons. But, first, a night of cinematic terror awaits.
Seattle’s TheFilmSchool is setting this scene the first Tuesday of every month at Roy Street Coffee and Tea, featuring guest speakers from the film industry.
“People love this event. They can mingle and network at Roy Street, hear leaders in their field — for free — talk on a variety of story-centric subjects, and sip wine and nosh at the same time; between 40-100 people attend each event,” said the school’s John Jacobsen.
A panel at a recent First Tuesday Event (Image: TheFilmSchool)
The events are open to all interested members of the community and especially those with a love for film. The meetings started “about 3 years ago and we’ve done over 30 events there since then with over 1,500 people attending,” Jacobsen said.
This week’s film night will feature Eric Morget, host of the Maelstrom International Film Festival (MIFF), and a TheFilmSchool alum. He will be talking about “making and distributing horror films as first films,” according to TheFilmSchool’s webpage in addition to “screening some of his favorite horror scenes, and actors will be reading a terrific scene from a film – live (at least we hope they’re alive) – as well.”
MIFFF is “a fan-run film festival led by a core team of experienced organizers who share a passion for new groundbreaking Action, Animation, Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction Cinema” slated to run October 5th to 7th at the Seattle International Film Festival Center and the SIFF Cinema Uptown.
Whether you’re a film buff, an aspiring writer, or even just a curious passerby the first Tuesday events can be a place to explore and nurture your inner film nerd.
Roy Street Coffee and Tea is located at: 700 Broadway E. Attendees are encouraged to RSVP here. The event runs from 6:30-8:30p.