The area connecting Capitol Hill and the Central District has space for a new green space and organizers want you and your new neighbors to get involved in the planning a new park at 19th and Madison. There is a meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Hearing, Speech and Deafness Center next door to the future park site.
The park’s boosters received a $15,300 grant from the Department of Neighborhoods for a public meeting and design process to create a community-supported plan for the park. The goal is to create a park “for all ages and abilities” that is safe, relaxing and fun.
There will be meetings as the design develops over the next year, at which point fund raising will kick into high gear to make the park a reality.
You can get involved by showing up to meetings and by following the park on Facebook.
UPDATE: On the other side of the Hill, you can get involved with the Melrose Promenade:
Melrose Promenade Advisory Committee
Wednesday, 6:00pm until 7:30pm
Capitol Hill library, 425 Harvard Ave. E., Seattle, WA.Please attend our monthly Advisory Committee meeting where we will discuss:
– Project updates
– Our upcoming community visioning process
– Our Opportunity Fund application
– Recent and upcoming promotional efforts
Advisory Committee meetings are open to anyone in our community interested in becoming more involved in the Melrose Promenade project.
State, County and City are closing dozens of parks because they cant afford upkeep on them, why are pushing for more parks? We clearly cant afford the current ones. Being 2 blocks from Miller and 8 blocks from Cal Anderson not good enough?
I’m also concerned that busy Madison Street is a poor location for a park. There’s a little park in an equivalent location at 20th & Madison, next to (and owned by) Planned Parenthood. You never see anyone there. OK, so better facilities in the park _might_ make it more attractive, but it still seems a poor location for a park.