Sayles preparing the new floor’s fat pipe (Image: Office Nomads)
Capitol Hill’s multitude of 21st century mobile professionals have migrated through Office Nomads for almost 5 years now. According to co-founder Jacob Sayles, recently it became clear that it was time to expand.
“We’re full of people,” Sayles said, “we needed more space to accommodate all the requests we’ve been getting.”
Office Nomads is wrapping up work on a sizable new expansion down into the street level of its current second-floor home at 1617 Boylston Ave.
The expansion will add 75% more desks and increase the number of workstations from 60 to 100 once work is done.
“We’ll almost be doubling in size,” Sayles said. “We are really happy to have all the new space.”
Office Nomads new brick and wood expansion (Image: CHS)
Office Nomads is now the grandaddy of a generation of coworking spaces active on the Hill. We profiled the scene including Nomads, The Mill and Agnes Underground earlier this summer. CHS keeps a desk at both Office Nomads and Agnes Underground, we should note — you’ll see advertisements for both on the site. Our interest in the changing environment of the Capitol Hill coworker, however, goes beyond partnerships — we remain interested in how the Hill makes life work. Coworking and social work space is clearly part of that.
At Office Nomads, the new first-level brick space will have tall ceilings with wooden beams. 1,500 square feet of the new expansion will be dedicated common space.
Life on the 2nd floor (Image: Office Nomads)
“We wanted space where people can connect, have lunch face to face. We’ll have a lot more room for meeting space, more room for bigger groups to come in,” Sayles said. “More common space is something we’ve wanted for a while so we are glad to finally have it available.”
That common space will also be put to use for the grand opening party on November 1st, coinciding with Office Nomads’ 5th anniversary.
Office Nomads is inviting everyone who has used the space for a “family” reunion to celebrate the landmark and the new expansion. A soft opening for the new space is being planned for September as early as possible.
Those interested in getting in on the new office space can sign up now — membership rates are staying the same as before, so no new surprises. Office Nomads will begin moving people onto the new floor in the next two weeks.
“We’re really excited about the new space,” Sayles said. “It’s beautiful, and we’re excited to have people in it.”
You can follow progress on the new space via the Office Nomads blog.