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Support 12th Ave Arts with this Capitol Hill-branded <strike>baseball</strike> trucker hat

Here is a stylish way to support the 12th Avenue Arts project, Capitol Hill Housing’s development that will combine parking for the East Precinct with affordable housing and space for Capitol Hill theater groups on 12th beween Pine and E Olive St. The Cap Hill caps will be on sale at Rudy’s and Caffe Vita. We’re checking on the price — but you can probably afford it. We wrote more about the community capital campaign and financing of the 12th Ave project here.

12th Avenue Arts, a project of Capitol Hill Housing, will transform a parking lot into a beautiful building – integrating affordable housing, arts space, nonprofit and community work space, and local retail under one roof. Working with the City of Seattle, arts groups, local businesses, and community leaders, Capitol Hill Housing is activating a key block to ensure diverse benefits for the entire neighborhood.

This project will help address the displacement of cultural organizations from Capitol Hill, long a center of artistic activity in Seattle. 12th Avenue Arts will ensure the availability of permanently affordable space, allowing the performing arts to thrive, and enhancing the economic and cultural vitality of Capitol Hill and the greater Seattle area.

“The 12th Avenue Arts project will help retain the creativity and vibrancy Capitol Hill is known for,” said Chris Persons, Capitol Hill Housing CEO. “Ensuring a strong presence for the arts on Capitol Hill is an important part of developing a diverse and sustainable community.”

Groundbreaking is expected to take place in Late 2012, with the building opening in 2014. The 12th Avenue Arts development is possible in part because of Capitol Hill Housing’s first ever capital campaign, and the support of individuals, foundations, businesses, and government.

Rudy’s Barbershop was one of the earliest business supporters of the 12th Avenue Arts campaign. Rudy’s is continuing to help raise support for the development through their latest promotion, a hat inspired by the project. The hat, emblazoned with the slogan “Capitol Hill: Art Lives Here,” will be available for a limited time at Rudy’s barbershop and Caffe Vita on Capitol Hill, and online at

“We opened our first location on The Hill in 1993 and owe our success to the artists in the community. The 12th Avenue Arts project is something all Capitol Hill businesses should support – We stand behind our neighbors, friends and family for their continued support since the beginning. This project reminds us all to stay connected to our roots and give back to those who have made vital contributions to our community for all these years.” – Vy Le, Rudy’s Barbershop Chief Executive Officer.

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12 years ago

I’d love to get one of those hats, and support. Any clue when they go on sale?

12 years ago

It’s a trucker hat :[

12 years ago

My bad, bro. Fixed above

12 years ago


Chef Thunder
12 years ago

Call me obtuse, you wouldn’t be the first,
but what’s the difference?

12 years ago

trucker hats have a cheap foam front and mesh back
baseball caps are higher quality, usually fitted, and are a fabic throughout

12 years ago

so those cheap baseball caps i had as a kid were really just truckers hats … but no need to split hairs. truckers and baseballers alike can enjoy this cap.

12 years ago

They will be on sale starting Friday morning at all Rudy’s locations and Caffe Vita.

cap hill
12 years ago

how much though?

disappointed neighbor
12 years ago

A “trucker hat” is what a hipster calls a baseball cap with a foam front and mesh back.

12 years ago

what is this, 2004?