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Capitol Hill food+drink | Broadcast Coffee expands to Bellevue Ave, Stowell’s suburban trattoria

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  • Truth is, survival of a Capitol Hill coffee joint is one part quality, one part experience and a big fat chunk of real estate. With a few years of experience under his belt growing his first shop into a popular caffeine dealership at Yesler and 20th in the Central District, Barry Faught is ready to tune his Broadcast Coffee into Capitol Hill.

The second Broadcast outlet is slated to be open in the new mixed-use building on Bellevue Ave — no, not that one — this one — by the beginning of August.

“My focus has been coffee preparation and I feel it has really paid off,” Faught said of his three years in business in the CD.

Faught said he made the decision from the start to focus on serving the best possible coffee and working with the best local providers he could find to do the rest. The plan on Capitol Hill, he says, will be the same.

“I’ve developed a lot with my coffee preparation skills and I feel I’m ready for Capitol Hill,” he said.

Faught is also ready for the education that comes with a first-time buildout. The Bellevue Terrace project is a small building — only 23 residential apartments and a single retail berth at street level. CHS reported that the project was set up to feature a full kitchen hood but it appears that the cafe tenant presented the best option for the developer. That space now is Faught’s to shape as he will and get ready for what he hopes is an area of more growth on the Hill as neighbors move in upstairs and the new building at the corner of Bellevue and Pine takes shape. The shop is also not far from Bauhaus — with a deal in place to be part of the development slated for its block, there still might be some Bauhaus downtime during construction.

While the plan is mostly the same and they’ll continue to offer Stumptown beans, Faught said the new Broadcast look will differ. Paperwork filed with the city lists a modest $20,000 construction budget for the 1,000 square-foot space.

You can learn more and watch for news about the opening of the Capitol Hill shop at

  • The Wandering Goose’s neighbor has a name. Ethan Stowell’s 15th Ave E project will be called Rione XIII. The Goose’s Heather Earnhardt confirmed the appellation and told us her latest “founders club” member came to her via CHS. Glad we could help. As for Rione XIII, the name apparently honors the Trastevere area near Rome, referred to as the “first suburb” of the ancient city by more than one guide book. It’s an interesting moniker to hang on the project. We’ll assume it’s not an insult.”The idea is to be more sit down with a full bar program and a more involved menu,” Stowell said of the trattoria when we spoke with him way back in March. The joined at the hip projects haven’t been public with firm dates for debuts though earlier talk of late June seems unlikely.
  • Volunteer Park Cafe will be closed June 12 through June 15 for the installation of a new hood. Per the VPC newsletter, they’ll also take advantage of the downtime to re-paint the walls and do a little sprucing up of the popular cafe.
  • The Q crane (Image: Alex Garland for CHS)

    The Narwhal is a big fat “probably” for this week.

  • Assuming you noticed that giant crane on E Pike on Saturday morning. The under construction Q dance club was getting its HVAC action on. Debut on Broadway is planned for September.
  • We’ve been calling The Social the first new dance club to open on the Hill in a long while — but that’s not entirely true. Grim’s never made its dance space part of the story when it was coming together but The Woods has become a force of, well… can’t exactly call it nature. Former CHS contributor Sarah Galvin visits on behalf of the Stranger.
  • Lots of food and drink news on CHS in the past week. Travelers will shut down on E Pine to be replaced by a gaming cafe from the good people at Gamma Ray Games. Meanwhile, Faire Gallery said goodbye.
  • As part of the Travelers reporting, we heard that the Terravita development across the street is working to finalize a marquee attraction for one of its two main restaurant spaces. After that, the in-demand smaller retail spaces should be quickly filled.
  • We also talked with two new frozen treat venturesLick Pure Creamery at 14th/Pine and Menchie’s on Broadway.
  • Somewhere along the line, Seattle’s squad of foodie media expanded the coverage zone to include even more players from the food and drink economy. It’s not a bad thing. People like Veronica Groth play a big part in it. You can tell her all about it on Monday and Tuesday night’s as she returns to Poppy.

    (Image: Poppy)

  • While we’re at it, meet Michael and Terrence of the Tin Table.

    (Image: Tin Table)

  • Mark Sexauer is now behind the bar at Artusi.
  • Meanwhile, you, too, could tend bar at Oddfellows.
  • Or you could just mix it up at home. Central Co-op tells us its plans to join the 1183 privatization parade will take shape later this month with booze likely on the shelves before July.
  • Moe Bar as biker bar
  • Where to watch the 2012 European Championship tournament on Capitol Hill
  • Where to eat gluten-free in Seattle
  • “I touch each piece myself to make sure it’s right” — the Stranger furthers the Crumble & Flake fervor.
  • Second Tuesdays now mean bingo at Poquitos.
  • Attention Capitol Hill restaurants that serve cheese: Calf & Kid is starting a wholesale program. Also, what a relief to see somebody anti-pitching one of these contests. Seriously. Props to C&K.
  • From a worried reader: “I saw 2 signs on the window of “In The Bowl” on Olive & Denny Way this morning, one that they will be closed on Wednesdays from now on, and that they will no longer deliver! What’s going on?” We don’t know. We’ve also heard some worries from 15th Ave about favorite Asian eateries. More on that. Soon.
  • Hey, wait. Today *is* Monday. “You have to go to Suadero. Trust me.
  • Seattle Times passes judgement on Capitol Hill: Five Fish Bistro — “A meal of fish and chips is not exactly a health-food banquet, but with fresh, local ingredients and a light hand at the fryer, it certainly can be a wickedly satisfying, moderately priced and less-guilt-inducing repast.” and Restaurant Zoe: “Dinner begins with gifts: an amuse bouche, and warm, herbed focaccia with shallot-laced oil and vinegar for dipping.”
  • High 5 is holding a cherry pie bake-off:


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12 years ago

Congrats to Five Fish on the Seattle Times review. I’ve eaten there a handful of times and been pleased with the food every time, from opening day to the present. They recently added a fried shrimp po’ boy sandwich that’s just great. Big, tasty shrimp, good bread and a lot of flavor. The deep fried pickles are also great, better than I’ve had elsewhere on the hill. If I have one gripe about the restaurant, it’s the name. They should drop the “bistro” bit and embrace what they are – tasty fish in a casual atmosphere.

12 years ago

This In The Bowl news makes me nervous. The delivery thing I can sort of understand since it seems to be just the one guy who has to race around and he frequently is running very late (last time we had food delivered it took him close to two and a half hours to get it to us). Anyway, I will be a sad panda if they go under.

12 years ago

I think you are off by a block on the location of the new ice cream shop in Zaw Pizza. Zaw is located at 15th and Pine. Artuzzi and Regency are at 14th and Pine.

Ryan in the sky
Ryan in the sky
12 years ago

And Analog Coffee. Perfect compliment? I hope so.