The media coverage around Melrose Market talks about the space as a locavore shopper’s dream and with unique providers like Rain Shadow Meats and Calf & Kid Cheese, you are on your way to a pretty damn good, locally-sourced picnic. On Thursdays, you can now also add a selection of local, organic produce to the mix. Melrose flower shop Marigold and Mint is putting its family connections in Pacific Northwest organic farming to work bringing fruits and vegetables from the Snoqualmie Valley’s Oxbow Farm to Capitol Hill. Meanwhile, foodies are buzzing about rumors that a popular television program might be featuring the market.
Here’s what you’ll find among the Thursday bounty at Marigold and Mint. “We will be getting a selection of their organic produce throughout the growing season, arriving weekly on thursdays,” a M&M representative said. “We’ll get staples like lettuce, chard and kale, with seasonal highlights like the garlic scapes and strawberries we have now, through chiogga beets, tomatillos, heirloom tomatoes and the best potatoes i have ever eaten coming in later in the summer!”
Katherine Anderson will also provide organic herbs such as sage, thyme, oregano and, of course, mint.
In addition to the produce selection, the shop is also the pick-up point for the Oxbow Farm CSA, which runs until October. You can learn more at
“We think local, organic produce fits perfectly into the fantastic mix at Melrose Market and it makes total sense to be able to pick up some delicious fresh vegetables while buying a bunch of flowers for the table, some meat from Rain Shadow, cheese from Calf and Kid and a bottle of wine from Bar Ferdinand,” M&M tells us.
The shop also stocks jam. You might want to pick up some of the bread sold by Sitka and Spruce.
Meanwhile, on the gossip end of things, the shopping list of these reality TV people might include Melrose Market itself:
The off-the-record confirmations that Top Chef will film its 10th season in Seattle are piling up. And now the Twitter stalking begins. According to a local cheese maven, some producers were scouting at Melrose Market.
There was a sign at Pike Place Market stating that Top Chef was filming and by entering the market you agreed to be on camera, blah blah blah. I don’t know if they were scouting or filming or what. I didn’t see any actual camera men though. Anyway if they are posting signs it can’t be too secret!
Thanks for posting this! I have been searching for a new CSA so its great to hear Oxbox drops off at M&M now. Signing up!