A contingent of Seattle Fire units converged on Summit Ave E Tuesday afternoon after a man got his hand stuck in a dough mixing machine at Toscana Pizzeria.
Several units were dispatched to the scene around 3p but were quickly released. A television news helicopter hovered above the street.
We’re following up with Seattle Fire to learn more about the man’s condition.
It appeared on the Fire Department webpage as “Rescue Automobile” ( http://tinyurl.com/6h5h3)
I must presume that the 911 Dispatchers don’t have a pre-programmed macro for “Rescue, pizza dough machine”.
We live on Harvard & Republican and heard the helicopter hovering over our apartment for a good 10 minutes. We were wondering what the fuss was about! I hope his hand is okay!
So that’s what that was. I saw the response vehicles whipping down 12th and the helicopter soon followed. Hope the guy is okay!
What everyone really wants to know is how is the pizza doing?
Was is really necessary to have a helicopter for this? I am getting really tired of hearing them hovering…
Talk about a pizza with “everything”!
Seattle’s Original Hand-Tossed Dough
I like that Big Mario’s is the advertiser I’m getting while reading these comments. Maybe he was involved? Pizza gang wars?
No kidding. Nothing like a news chopper shaking my apartment for 15 solid minutes.
Must have been a sloooowww news day in Seattle.
Sounds terrible. He’s lucky he’s so close to a world-class hospital with amazing hand surgeons. If anyone is going to rebuild his hand into usable form, its the surgeons and their team there. Thinking the best for him.
I’m sure the person in the hospital appreciates the jokes. Grow up guys.
Yeah, c’mon, making pithy blog comments is pretty underhanded.
Too right. I’ve got to hand it to you, you really bring up a good point…this is no laughing matter.
Poor dude, mixers are no joke, I’m guessing there aren’t any guards on their mixer or they were disabled, I bet L&I will be checking things out and issuing a big ass fine.
Toscana pizza is one of the best in Seattle area I hope this worker is doing well and I wish him a quick recovery