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Group wants you to sign the ‘Preserve the Pinevue and Melrose Buildings!’ petition

(Image: Robert Ketcherside)

The people behind Densify Don’t Destroy Capitol Hill have created a petition that they hope will show Seattle leaders the strength of community support for preserving the Pinevue Apartments and Melrose Building on E Pine.

You can sign on here.

“Hopefully we will get a enough signatures to fairly represent how many people find these buildings irreplaceable,” Marcy Stone-Francois told CHS about the effort.

According to Stone-Francois, people involved with the group are gathering information to apply for historical landmark status for the buildings. The results of the petition drive will be included in the application, she said.

In April, CHS reported on the acquisition of a half-block of parcels between Bellevue and Melrose along E Pine by the Madison Development Group with a plan for a seven-story mixed-use building on the site. Historian Robert Ketcherside looked at the historical significance of the block here while John Feit examined the architectural importance of the Pinevue Apartments building here. This week, CHS reported that Bauhaus has a deal in place to be part of the new building.

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12 years ago

…maybe I’ll marry them!

12 years ago

…all who signed have inside knowledge that the independent businesses are indeed thriving. Looking forward to the IPOs. The “no significant sign of alteration for 100 years” is a humorous touch. Makes it sound like the Firetrap Arms. I get the idea but they coulda done betta, no?