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CHS Pics | A small Bite on Broadway

The Bite on Broadway, the first big event for a grassroots group of Broadway merchants, drew light attendance on a rainy Sunday night. Some images from the event are below. Rather than critique the event itself, let’s step it up a level. As a Capitol Hill consumer, what types of promotions do you want to be part of? Are events like the Bite up your alley? Do we need to close a street like Portland?

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12 years ago

Definitely close a street. Let restaurants showcase their top five dishes to offer a real taste of what each have to offer. Promote it more. Make it more o a festive vibe as it was a bit awkward to hav to sit and order and then have the wait staff try and sell you an entree.

12 years ago

Great food and top notch service on Broadway will go a long way toward eliminating the need for Sunday’s marketing embarrassment.

12 years ago

Pike and Pine is thriving because of the new and hip restaurant/bar vibe. The places on Broadway need more of that. Part of the challenge is many of the places on Broadway don’t have enough character.

12 years ago

When? Was this promoted? I walk down Broadway twice a day. I live a block off it. I work on Broadway and I had no idea there was anything going on. Plus, what’s to promote? Thai, noodles, pizza, burgers and mexican food? Bites on Broadway would imply a higher calibur of restaurants, and these restaurants are already booming on the north end and in the Pike/Pine area. If the others want to be players, they have to do more with service, style and upgrades. Wedgewood Thai is the only walk in type of place I like to go, because it’s got current decor upgrades and the service is great. Look at Samurai Noodle and the new fish fry place. While the food is good, they both feel like tossed together stop in places. This is strange considering they are both less than a year old. And don’t get me started on the pho places. No thought seems put into the decor and ambiance, they aren’t actually places that are warm or welcoming to sit and enjoy a meal in. So while eateries on Broadway may want to promote their ‘bites’ they’re going to have a tough time attracting a clientele other than what they have already.

12 years ago

Too bad the nice day didnt hold out one day longer. If it had I think it would have seen a bigger turn out. I think closing a couple of blocks of broadway wouldnt hurt. I think this yrs event was a positive 1st step. Great work everyone involved!

disappointed neighbor
12 years ago

Sorry, but this comment is meaningless to me. “hip vibe?” “character?” Could you be more vague and cliche-ridden? At least provide one positive and negative example so we understand what you’re trying to say.

12 years ago

Why should every restaurant in Capitol Hill have to be some over-priced bougie trendoid attracter? What’s wrong with have a strip of places that are more affordable, hole-in-the-wall style joints? You need to get your nose out of the air.

12 years ago

Good idea– just DON’T get started on the Pho places.

Every Pho addict knows that decor and charm, as well as warm-and-inviting service, are decidedly not part of the Pho experience. And they don’t care. All they want is their Pho-phix, and getting it to them quickly trumps all that other vibe-y, hipterish bullshit. And “decor” costs money. Where that comes from? There are a few warm-and-fuzzy Pho places, but mostly stripped-down, no-nonsense ones. Guess which ones are always more crowded?

12 years ago

You know, I walked down Broadway during the event and there was very little to suggest to me that anything was going on. I’d seen the posters up, but didn’t see the businesses themselves doing anything to draw me in. It felt like a usual Sunday on Broadway.

Broadway desperately needs some bars (not just bars inside restaurants). And another vegan or vegetarian restaurant. A girl can only eat so much Thai or veggie burgers. The veg options are so dated at most places. Broadway is almost never an eating “destination” for me. I end up dropping in for a meal because I’m running errands or passing through.

Having said that, I have a lot of affection for Broadway even if I don’t really like eating there. And I do wish all the businesses the best as they try to attract new customers.

12 years ago

By way of contrast check out the menu at the Neighbor Lady. Lots of yummy-sounding veggie dishes on the menu, and few if any non-veggie items that didn’t have Field Roast or white-bean or other veggie options listed. It can be done.

12 years ago

Good idea, no real organizational sense.
The food has to quick and served from the outside or sidewalk. Go into a series of places you already know, sit down to be served one dish … all day for what?

Almost zero real promotions. Striking poster in every window a month ahead, maybe two and change mid promo .. and on and on.

Was this for charity? We love to give for good causes on the Hill, ref. Dine Out for AIDS, EVERY person I know does that day, some twice with big groups of friends and family … my office paid for lunch for the entire staff … Odd Fellows, big ticket expense.

A first start, not very exciting, and really, start over.

Good luck, reminds me of the ice skating, did not work well, project.