- : A daytime burglary at an apartment in the 500 block of Harvard Ave E last Thursday netted a laptop. The thief busted into the Capitol Hill apartment by breaking the frame of the deadbolted door, according to the SPD report on the incident.
Police found the suspect’s truck nearby — with a rolling office chair in the back of the pickup — but the suspect did not answer his door when an officer attempted to contact him.
- : A man returned after two weeks away from his Lakeview Blvd E home to find that his front door had been kicked in and his house burglarized. No details on the haul but the loss was valued at more than $6,000 according to the report on the crime.
- : A burglar made off with more than $3,000 in electronics including a flat screen TV and a laptop in a Saturday afternoon break-in at a W Montlake Pl E home. Police say a window on the backdoor was smashed to gain entry.
- to discuss “A New Philosophy of Policing” — : City Council member Tim Burgess will be at February’s meeting of the EastPAC East Precinct community group
In light of the recent BJA report regarding to the Seattle Police Department, we have invited City Council Member Tim Burgess, who will speak about his recently published policy essay entitled “A New Philosophy of Policing”. Recently chair of the Council’s Public Safety Committee, Tim was able to identify Best Practices in crime prevention and policing strategies. The entire essay can be found within Tim’s website- http://www.seattle.gov/council/burgess/ – in the current issues column.
EastPAC meets on February 23rd at 6:30p in the Campion Ballroom at Seattle U.
My car was stolen right out of my apartment complex at on the 700 Block of Belmont Ave E. It was recovered a month later, but of course, gutted. In December, some heroin addicts tried to break into the basement apartment in my building with a hammer to the door- while the tenants were home! WTF is wrong with people!?
Sorry to hear about your car Nea. I’m not sure that there has been an increase in crime along I-5 shores. That area has always had some shady characters. Keep in mind that it’s just across from downtown Seattle and I-5 is one of the longest and busiest roads on the planet.
Drugs (everything and anything), weapons (from small handguns to Boeing’s defense products), stolen goods and humans (both willing and unfortunately the unwilling) are trafficked via this road. So the next time a car is stolen next to I-5 please keep the above in mind and realize that not everyone on I-5 has the same morals as most of us do.