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Rally planned for Capitol Hill’s Gaybucks to thank companies for marriage equality support

You’ll want to order a Venti — or some wine or a beer, wear your Nikes, bring your Kindle and reboot your Windows PC. There’s a rally being organized for Friday night at the E Olive Way “Gaybucks” to celebrate Washington corporate support for progress toward marriage equality in the state.

No telling if the Gays for the Bucks – Thank Starbucks for the support! rally is a corporate marketing scheme but, in this case, no worries. UPDATE: Ebbie, in comments, says “NO” way to the corporate marketing and that this is grassroots all the way . Liza Svetlana Zinina posted about the 6p rally to our Facebook page, saying: 

Come join us in support of Starbucks and other Washington companies and corporations who have voiced their support of legalizing gay marriage in WA

As for the Gaybucks thing, CHS didn’t invent it. The conversation about whether it’s a good — or, at least, not too annoying — nickname percolates up here and there through the years. We’re going with it. Tonight, especially, it seems appropriate.

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13 years ago

NO! Its not. It came out of a facebook thread on my friends wall last night about that idiot paster calling for a nationwide boycott of starbucks because starbucks is supporting us (the homos). My buddy Drew decided we should all get together at one time and place and thank Starbucks.
Why would you try to write this off as anything other than it is? We want to show our appreciation and that is it. :)

13 years ago

Thanks for the note. Not trying to pass off anything! :) We’ll add a note up top. Thanks for coming up with the idea.

Drew Bensen
13 years ago

I created the event. I did it after reading a thread on my friend’s page. A pastor requesting a boycott because the company supports gay marriage. There’s a whole lot of hate going on. I want to turn that around and have a party. I own a small dog walking business and I am a transgender person. I don’t have a connection with Starbucks I typically share the love all over West Seattle buying coffee from many different places. Today I will be buying coffee and beer at the capital hill Starbucks. I invited my friends. You are invited too. Come introduce yourself.

Starbucks stood up for us now lets stand up for them.

Drew Bensen

13 years ago

Thanks for more info. We’re happy to help spread the word. Good luck tonight.

13 years ago

Good work, Drew!

Drew Bensen
13 years ago

Thank you for last night. The event was small, but the ripples stretched far and wide. It was nice to have a positive evening thanking supporters.
CHB thank you for your part.
Drew Bensen