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All cats accounted for after Twice Sold Tales break-in

It takes a special kind of thief to target a used book store. Fortunately for Jamie Lutton’s Twice Sold Tales and the store’s pride of bookish felines, the perpetrator of this early Friday morning burglary didn’t do more damage than busting a door and ripping off a coin-filled jar from inside. The full SPD report on the incident is below.


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13 years ago

because you know that super fat black and white cat with no meow who hangs out in the children’s section could NOT make it on the streets

Serious Drugs
13 years ago

Who breaks into a used bookstore with live pets at 3:00 in the morning with a rock and steals only some of the $8.00 in change from the counter?

13 years ago

I am so glad to hear that. Great bus stop area for me and my son for years. Visiting the cats and getting a book or two while waiting on the bus to Safeway.

Many times my son would playfully pet cats then get interest in a book then about that time I would have say Joel the bus is coming put the book down. The good thing we always came back and purchased the book. :)

13 years ago

Residence, not residents (‘s)

13 years ago


13 years ago

Sweet post, jeopardyperil. I enjoyed it. :)

Billy Butler
13 years ago

Who gives a shit about CATS. they’re a step above spiders

Yo Daddee
13 years ago

Jus’ like yo mama.

13 years ago

I’m guessing the rock was lying on the floor rather than “laying”.

13 years ago

Wow, the “spelling police” are out in force on this thread.

13 years ago

Yeah, it’s weird to watch but makes some people happy. You do see some funny stuff in the SPD narratives, however.

13 years ago

Actually, either use is correct….

13 years ago

Admittedly, the guy’s spelling and grammar aren’t great.

Ryan in the sky
13 years ago

yes, GREAT NEWS that the hill’s best indie bookstore just lost $1500. FANTASTIC!

Seriously, go SPEND MONEY at Twice Sold. They need our help.

13 years ago

Actually not. This might help:

This usage discussion is particularly amusing given the “bookish” location of the rock in question.