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911 | Readers report car thief bust at Belmont/Harrison, car vs. motorcycle at 13th/John (+ Santa)

With the weekend Occupy Seattle drama and Monday’s blotter update, we’re already pretty crime-y but we’ve been sent a batch of worthy updates from the streets of Capitol Hill by CHS readers. If you see something others should know about, mail us at [email protected], message us via Twitter @jseattle or txt/call (206) 399-5959. Oh, and to help balance all the bad news out, we’ve added a picture of Santa to the end of the post.
  • Car thief busted: Some police drama near Belmont and Harrison tonight as SPD reportedly collared a female car thief. Here’s one eyewitness account sent to CHS via txt:

women was arrested at belmont and harrison for stealing a car. 6 cars, an assault rifle, shotgun, and a gnarly quote from a cop “I would give you plastic, but its about to be outlawed in the city.”

We received notes from a few other readers in the area including this photo of the scene from Dana. We haven’t confirmed the arrest but we recently reported that auto thefts had spiked over summer on the Hill. Compared to the rest of the Hill, the area around Belmont and Harrison was pretty quiet for auto thievery in recent months so hopefully this isn’t the start of a new trend — or possibly the arrest nipped a potentially growing problem in the bud. We’ll update when we know more.

  • Two injured in car vs. motorcycle crash: Reader Garymon alerts us to a motorcycle vs. car collision at 13th and John Monday night just after 6p that sent two to the hospital. We don’t have details yet on what led to the crash but we know one person was taken to the hospital with serious injuries while another was transported in less serious condition.
  • Santa: That’s the bad news. Here’s some good news from another CHS tipster: a picture of the Broadway Santa hanging out with a friend, saying ho, ho, ho. Thanks for sending the good cheer, tipster.
  • UPDATE: More Santa-worthy good news passed along by reader Sarah who confirms that there *is* a real Capitol Hill Santa and his name is Thomas and he works at a tattoo studio:

Yesterday at 10:45, I visited the ATM at Chase bank on North Broadway then ran to my friend’s house on Thomas and Boylston.

It wasn’t until I was downtown at brunch that I realized my wallet was gone. Drats. I drove back to the ATM thinking “Maybe it’s still there!” and re-traced my steps down Thomas street. As well, Ilooked through numerous trash cans up/down Broadway. No wallet was ever found. So, I called the credit card company and put a “hold” on the card in hopes I would get my wallet back. “Maybesomeone found it at the ATM and put it in the deposit chute.”

Low and behold, I get to work to find a message from a kind gentleman named Thomas who found my wallet on Thomas street (Kismet!). He found my business card and the rest is herstory.

Thomas works at Laughing Buddha Tattoo on Broadway. So, next time you’re thinking of ink, think of the wonderful man at the LB!

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13 years ago

I’ll be the dumbass. I can’t be the only one who doesn’t get the “I would give you plastic….” part? (I do get the rest). Somebody ‘splain it to me…

13 years ago

means he has metal bullets in that gun… not rubber (plastic).

gloomy gus
13 years ago

Probably used his metal handcuffs instead of a plastic zip tie.

Alfred Harris
13 years ago

I think your blog is great. Funny, irreverent and so necessary.
Thank you,

Alfred Harris

13 years ago

I was at the scene right after this happened and both of the motorcycle riders were pinned under the car. One of them had the rear wheel on his chest, the other seemed to have his leg caught. A few people lifted up the rear of the car and the rider with his leg caught pulled his friend out. The more seriously injured rider was complaining of chest pains, but he was coherent.

I left once the EMTs arrived… hoping everything turns out okay.

13 years ago

Thanks for the details. We haven’t heard back from Seattle Fire yet but will update when we know more.

13 years ago

that’s the part I already understood.