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Occupy Capitol Hill | 72 hours

Following a Tuesday meeting between the school’s administration and Occupy Seattle camp organizers, Seattle Central posted 72-hour notices of the start of the emergency rule passed to ban camping on its Capitol Hill campus.

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13 years ago

To OS from a neighbor:

Use this coming time, after the move, to reflect. Reflect, reorganize, plan, and hopefully present your concerns to the public in a composed intelligent manner.

Show us what you can do by thoughtfully presenting some ideas. Present us, the public – the people that you need behind you, with proactive solutions to these ideas. If you plan any more protests, please plan them in areas that make sense. If you camp anywhere else, it might be in your best interest to actually work with the property owner. Don’t trespass and then demand cooperation. Be respectful to the rest of us, and we will respect you. No demands, please.

Please please please just think of taking things one step at a time. Think everything through. Again, be thoughtful. Then maybe you will have public support.

Lastly, please don’t make the next 72 hours difficult for SCCC, it’s students, or it’s neighbors. If you do, you will end up losing any remenant of support the community wants to have for you.

Also, because those occupiers that post in these comments feel that any suggestions or community unhappiness is an attack on them, THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK. Just use your head guys.

Alan Motley
13 years ago


13 years ago

Show me what you can do by not speaking, because you have nothing worth saying.

13 years ago

what that person said.

13 years ago

**i mean what oiseau said.

13 years ago

Now all the concerned people of Cap Hill will work to solve the longstanding problems that SCCC had, right? They wouldn’t feign concern to hash out grudges and hatred, right? That would be hypocrisy and as a SCCC student I know my neighbors would never front like that <3 :)

13 years ago

You’re not required to be perfect to know that something else is a problem.

Phil Mocek
13 years ago

Regardless of the arguable utility of the 24/7 demonstration on SCCC campus, the process by which the college is booting activists was a sham. There’s clearly no emergency, but the Board of Trustees side-stepped process by declaring such. SCCC professor Jeb Wyman wrote an excellent letter about this yesterday.

13 years ago

Sidestepping the process to evict squatters? Ummm… OS was offered the opportunity to protest/squat/camp outside City Hall, in the heart of the government and financial districts where there message needs to be heard. Instead they squatted at a CC where they were told they weren’t welcome. Pack your bags and get out.

13 years ago

Oh, engaging the Attorney General’s office on laws and what recourse the college had was side-stepping. I get it now. Going through the proper channels is cheating.

Come on. Camping at SCCC wasn’t a demonstration. Please, you are missing the point. SCCC is not the gestapo. There are not sending you off to “supress” you. They just don’t like how OS didn’t actually treat anyone else in this matter with any ounce of respect. They don’t like how you aren’t open to outside help or criticism. They don’t like how OS has basically just acted childish during this whole ordeal.

Now that the camp is to be disbanded, hopefully the true activists can take center stage and work toward a real solution.

Phil Mocek
13 years ago

Yes, sidestepping the process. Normally, they could not have issued this new rule, which will temporarily be treated as law, barring camping on state college campuses, without going through a well-defined process. Instead, they declared an emergency and avoided all due process. There are problems, for sure, but it’s not an emergency.

13 years ago

You can wordsmith this all day (Phil and others), but there is no simple, clean and easy way to get these campers off this property without conflict, some are looking and waiting for it. Reps from both sides will bitch and moan about it for days. This area in absolute shambles. I will be shocked to see if the garbage and junk is hauled off by the campers, or by my tax dollars. GOOD riddance.

13 years ago

adios mf’ers! please take all your garbage and shit with you.

and to the asshat that called this homeless encampment an “demonstration”; you sir, are a moron. they weren’t demonstrating anything except how to alienate the people that should be their primary supporters. those fuckheads (you included) don’t represent me, or any of my friends.

13 years ago

attacking greed to attacking… a community college

Filing law suits to keep a college from removing camping on campus — yeah. that’s the way to show how greedy banks are

etaoin shrdlu
13 years ago

The Occupy movement outpolls the Republicans in the latest surveys. I’d say that counts for considerable public support already, even without oiseau’s sage counsel. *cough*

More importantly, they continue to significantly and positively affect American news coverage and political discourse. For example, consider 60 Minutes’ extensive piece Sunday night on Wall Street crimes and US governmental failure to prosecute them. There was scarcely any coverage of widespread Wall Street criminality — and how the US government enables it — before Occupy.

That’s a major accomplishment for a movement still in its infancy. The American people can’t figure out how to reverse the three-decades-in-the-making corporate coup d’état here until they understand it. Thanks to Occupy, they’re starting to get the picture.

Phil Mocek
13 years ago

On Slog, in reference to the topic at hand here and to SCCC professor Jeb Wyman’s letter, “Some Old Nobodaddy Logged In” wrote, “Here’s a run-down on the the situation. Admin argues A is bad, because of x, y & z. Prof posts that their argument is invalid, because x, y & z all existed before A occurred. He also points out that issues t & w were not considered.”

That’s a great summary.

Phil Mocek
13 years ago

The suit is to prevent the college from side-stepping the process by which they could have legally and ethically enacted a rule barring camping on campus. Instead of following that process, they declared an emergency. Clearly, there is no emergency.

etaoin shrdlu
13 years ago

But occupying SCCC has obvious and important advantages over the typical one-off demonstration. It possesses an ongoing, highly visible staying power that makes it impossible for either the media or the public (including CHS commenters like JS!) to ignore. I’m sure jseattle can attest to how much of his time is devoted to covering Occupy Seattle at SCCC, and how much interest it generates among his readership.

Compare this to recent one-shot demonstrations — even Occupy’s 5,000 strong march in October — which are readily forgotten, if they register with the public at all.

It’s a brilliant tactic. And none of your spittle-flecked insults change that one bit, JS.

13 years ago

I ask again: Who will pay to replace the damaged lawn? This is not an insignificant expense.

The answer is, of course, we the taxpayers.

13 years ago

So breaking into vacant buildings is going to help the cause?
I am sorry, these jerkwads just lost their last ounce of credibility.

Phil Mocek
13 years ago

Reportedly, the college has long-standing plans for a fully-funded construction project that will have them tearing up much of that lawn soon.

13 years ago

That doesn’t answer the question. I haven’t seen a land-use sign indicating pending construction, so a year down the road the lawn might be torn up? I guess using that logic we get a mud-pit until then unless the college finds money to fix it themselves? Maybe on the way out OS can take up a collection to help fix the grass. Of course, since it seems to be a homeless camp, they MIGHT be able put together enough money for a bottle of Weed-B-Gone.

disappointed neighbor
13 years ago


I very much appreciate your GA minute-taking and I don’t question your commitment, but pursuing this line of argument suggests that you, or the OS movement, or both, would rather be right than effective. Not to mention well-liked and supported by local 99%ers.

SCCC has given OS a convenient out. Winter is coming, camping is massive resource suck, and isn’t core to the OS message. Declare victory, refer the homeless to social service agencies, and refocus the freed-up time and resources to core advocacy issues: Reversing Citizens United and getting money and corruption out of politics.

13 years ago

eatoin – you forgot to mention the poor law breaking granny who got sprayed in that last diatribe, I miss that..Oh and good riddance – again. Not a second thought about it.

Concerning the Neighborhood

Phil did you read that drivel written by that so-called “professor”? It is nothing but a very unprofessional and sarcastic rant! So, given his logic, just because there has always been trash and vandalism and crime and rats and needles at SCCC it is then OK to bring more there? And by more, I am sure most people in this neighborhood will say MUCH more. NO, it is NOT OK, and they need to go. I am sure SCCC has been trying to clean up the issues the “professor” brings up (I had noticed, before the OS people came, the grounds were looking MUCH better). The grounds are trashed, it will cost a LOT of money to clean up, I am sure, and you can bet none of the OS people will lift a hand to help out. They are hypocrites, really. Will you be out there helping to clean up, Phil?

13 years ago

Were you around and paying attention to media between the years of 2008 and 2011?

Probably not.

13 years ago

Land use notices? What are those? I thought all reliable information comes from word of mouth.

Checking city records? NEVER!

(I wish there was a sarcasm font)

etaoin shrdlu
13 years ago

As long as nobody sings the praises of SPD “professionalism” in dealing with Occupy, there’s no need to bring up Seattle cops in body armor pepper spraying a peaceful old lady in the face.

But thanks for reminding us, anyway.

If you keep seething in rage like this, upd, you’re going to burst a blood vessel.

13 years ago

Oh, please don’t paint me as full of rage, this is all very fun for me. Watching people justify their Gimme Gimme Gimmee attidtude and backing it up is just for sport.

etaoin shrdlu
13 years ago

Of course I paid attention to the news then, oiseau brain. And everyone else who did will similarly confirm the sea change in media attention to Wall Street shenanigans during these first three months of the Occupy movement.

It’s like night and day. Occupy’s power to vastly enlarge mainstream news coverage of subjects like income inequality and systemic Wall Street fraud has been extraordinary.

De-occupy Now
13 years ago

Thank God Seattle Central is finally exterminating the rats that have been infesting their campus! Hey hey ho ho all you bums have got to go!

Concerning the Neighborhood

I just walked around the campus today, and heard the rumor that the OS people were talking to students to try to use them as human shields in case the police come. I suppose this might be good fodder for more PR for the movement (police pepper spraying the naive and gullible SCCC students), has anyone else heard this rumor? Human shields, huh? Sounds a bit staged to me….

13 years ago

Okay, look etaoin my dear, yes Occupy Wall Street has grabbed media attention. Yes, some people in the news are talking more about what’s happening in the financial sector.

Is it a sizable difference in coverage? No, not really. Since Countrywide, IndyMac, et all started going down we have been hearing of corruption on Wall Street (Uhhh Kerry Killinger and Steve Rotella going before a congressional hearing anyone?). We have heard of government corruption as well.

I must reiterate, Occupy Wall Street has brought these things that we have been talking about to the attention of some. Most of those people were more than likely not paying attention to anything anyway.

Occupy Seattle should not even claim to be associated with Occupy Wall Street though, because unlike OWS, OS has done nothing but cause traffic snarls and camp on the lawn of a school that has nothing to do with any of the problems that you claim to be demonstrating against by camping there. I know you think you know something about how the financial system, government, and economics works, but the fact is that none of us truly know how any of them work. Especially those of us that get their information from pamphlets distributed at campsites. These are all very complex things. You can’t explain them away by claiming corporations are attempting a coup d’etat (Especialy since, really, what you want to do is a coup d’etat). They don’t need to. Unfortunately, they effectively bought the Etat as soon as the Citizens’ United ruling happened.

How can you effectively reverse that? Get involved in politics, or law. Get everyone…
read more
u know into politics and law. Get involved. If you want to deliver us from whatever hell we are in, run for congress.

Phil Mocek
13 years ago

Thanks, anonymous neighbor.

I voted against the move to SCCC. I question the utility of the demonstration there. I’m frustrated by the lack of participation of many of the people who are staying there overnight.

Independent of any feelings I have about the campus occupation, I feel strongly that college administrators should not be able to make law. We’ve provided them with a method to temporarily enact policies that work as if they were law — in emergencies. SCCC’s administration abused this provision by declaring an emergency when one did not exist, and I very much want to see a court examine the situation, whether or not people are still attempting to demonstrate round-the-clock on campus under shelter.

Paul Killpatrick is acting dishonestly in this situation.

13 years ago


kind of a wasted message because no one camping there has the same agenda as occupy. Occupy left a long time ago.

13 years ago

As an SCCC student, I have not heard the rumor but if one did try to use me a human shield that would be assault and fists would fly. I would beat the shit out of someone who did this.

13 years ago


So you aren’t concerned with being effective.

Phil Mocek
13 years ago

I’m concerned with Occupy Seattle being effective. The Get Money Out of Politics workgroup gives me great hope about effective efforts to come. 40+ people are meeting weekly, staying out of the mud and the occupation conflicts, planning some splashy events for the upcoming anniversary of the Citizen’s United decision, and aiming for Constitutional amendments to overturn that decision and to end corporate personhood. These strike at the heart of what motivated me to get involved. News I received a couple days ago that they’re humming along effectively excites me like little else I’ve heard out of various corners of Occupy Seattle, and for that matter, of the entire Occupy Wall Street movement.

Completely independently of all that, I think we need to keep the college administration’s ability to subvert the system within which they are supposed to operate in check. There was no emergency, and there is no emergency. Absent an emergency, they are not supposed to be able to do what they’re doing. I don’t want defacto laws to be made by the Seattle Central Board of Trustees. We’ve defined the process they must go through in order to make the changes they’ve made, but they side-stepped that process simply because they really, really, wanted to do so. We shouldn’t let that slide.