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Man brings knife to a gunfight, scares away pistol-packing robber near Seattle U.

We hope it was a really big knife. This report of an attempted gunpoint robbery and arrest early this morning near Seattle University includes details of a brave — and possibly rash — decision by the victim. The gun was, it turns out, not loaded. We’ll ask SPD for more details on the incident but, apparently, we got a badass over here:

On December 4th, just after 1:00 am, a man and woman were walking in the 400 Block of 11th Avenue. A male suspect approached them and pulled out a handgun. The suspect then demanded money from the victims. The male victim refused and pulled out a pocket knife. The suspect then turned and ran. Victims called Seattle University security via campus emergency phone. East Precinct officers responded to the area and located a possible suspect. During a pat down, officers recovered a handgun from the suspect. The handgun was not loaded. The victims positively identified the suspect. The 23 year old male suspect was later booked into the King County Jail for Investigation of Robbery.

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13 years ago

Best headline I’ve seen all year.

13 years ago

“… apparently, we got a badass over here…”

By all means, encourage people to draw pocket knives against guns rather than hand over a few bucks. There’s nothing like knowing you stood up to some pathetic crack-head lunatic while you lie gut shot, bleeding out over $57, some change, a credit card you can deactivate with a single call, and a cell phone that will be completely obsolete within six months.

jseattle… Try imagining that you love the person in the ICU (or the morgue) before you write so admiringly about stupidity.

13 years ago

I couldn’t have said it any better.

13 years ago

Do you really think you are so much wiser than everybody else that you had to explain why it might be dangerous to do what this guy did?

13 years ago

Bravo! Time to fight back! If you give up like a scared rat, they win, they are counting on it. Time to take back the night.

John Koch
13 years ago

Absolute stupidity. Hope the SPD admonished the man’s carelessness.

13 years ago

This has been another episode of “Who’s Offended Today?,” brought to you by Think of the Children.

13 years ago

I remember the self-defense advice my karate instructor gave everyone back in the day:

“When you’re walking at night, be aware of your surroundings and walk with confidence. Hold your head up, not like you own the street, but like you have a right to be there.”

13 years ago

Admonished this man’s right to self defense?

Eyeroll McArsenpfeffer
13 years ago

Oh FFS, Bryan. “You didn’t outright call this guy a dumbass, so your readers will be INCAPABLE OF FORMING INDEPENDENT OPINIONS on what you reported, and therefore you are PUTTING LIVES AT RISK.” Soapbox step aerobics. Burn those calories, dude.

13 years ago

Very middling concern-trolling, Bryan. 6/10.

13 years ago

I don’t share your view that JSeattle wrote “admiringly” about how the victim responded. Did you not see the phrase “possibly rash…decision”?

Yet another act of urban thuggery. It seems like the area around Seattle U is kind of dangerous at night…there have been several other similar incidents in the past few months.