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CHS Pics | Never surrender, Capitol Hill

The ‘can do’ spirit on display in this Broadway leap (Image: Tim Durkan with permission)

This image of bravery in the face of brutal nature comes to us from Capitol Hill shutterbug Tim Durkan who managed to keep his lens dry near the Broadway Market QFC Tuesday night long enough to capture the flight. Stay strong.

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13 years ago

I was walking by that corner not two weeks ago and noticed the drains were filled with debris. One would think that a monopoly like QFC could be required by certain city maintenance regulators (who need reasons to justify their jobs) to clean out their gutter systems. Because All knows that QFC wouldn’t do it for the sake of their customers satisfaction. Suck it!

13 years ago

Nice photo Tim!

tim d
13 years ago

thanks JT!

13 years ago

Did they actually make it across (dry)???

13 years ago

You nailed it again, Tim. Nice job.

tim d
13 years ago

indeed he did make it across – cool photos there too…! Others, unfortunately, were not so lucky… gotta hate those clogged drains this time of year :-(

13 years ago

Is he reading a book?

13 years ago

Great capture, Tim!

tim d
13 years ago

actually holding an umbrella – almost as impressive…almost.

tim d
13 years ago

was fun to catch, wet – but fun! thank you JTC!

13 years ago

…haven’t heard that one in a long time.

13 years ago

No, it doesn’t look like it. But I did see someone reading a hardcover book under their umbrella while standing on a corner Yesterday. I didn’t stay to watch, but I hope that he stopped reading while actually crossing the street.

13 years ago

apparently you got boogers in your head too, boogerbutt. QFC is no monopoly. If you want maintenance regulators to justify their jobs, put THEM out on the corner with a shovel to clear the drains.

Kevin McDonald
13 years ago

Leaves fall and clog drains – but what makes matters worse is the common property maintenance practice that uses leaf blowers to blow leaves from the sidewalks onto the street where they become someone else’s problem. I’ve noticed that Seattle Central does a good job of taking care of the leaves!

13 years ago

I’m glad I’m not the only one who was wondering if, somehow, there was a new definition of “monopoly”? Duh. And since when are grocery stores responsible for storm sewer maintenance?

I’d just like to know why this is such a chronic problem at that corner? It happens every year. You’d think the city would know about it by now.

13 years ago

Geesh, you people will fight over anything.

Happy Holidays everyone!

13 years ago

Good point — another reason to hate those leaf blowers. I really wish someone else (not me, I’m too lazy) would start an initiatve to ban those noisy, dust-stirring, gas-guzzling, greenhouse gas emitting things from use in Seattle.

13 years ago

I’ve been working on building a time machine so that I can go back in time, find the person responsible for inventing those infernal things, and preventing it… by any. means. necessary.

Leaf blowers are the only thing in the world that actually make me violent with rage. Lately, though, I just try to close my eyes, breathe calmly, and ride it out… seems to be working OK.

But yeah, they definitely need to be banned.

13 years ago

I think there must be something else going on at this corner. There really aren’t that many trees right around this corner, to accumulate a lot of leaves. Certainly no more trees than any other block on Broadway? Yet this corner constantly floods but others don’t.

13 years ago

Waargh– completely agree. Saw this today at 12th and Pine– disgraceful. Noisy, smoky, and simply pushing the leaves into the road. The city should ban it.

13 years ago

Beautiful shot! Any photos of the tidal wave that cars + buses cause when they drive over this lagoon?