Here’s a one-page look at totals from the first count of the 2011 general election and links to some coverage from around the city on what transpired.
- Statewide results
- King County results
- Seattle Times: Liquor initiative passes; the state is out of the liquor business
- KOMO: Seattle voters rejecting $60 car tab fee by 60-40 margin
- Publicola analysis: “The night’s biggest loser? City council challenger Bobby Forch—who went more than $60,000 in debt on an unsuccessful last-minute push against incumbent Jean Godden.”
- Slog: “They want to build a high capacity transit system to bring us into the 20th Century, and they are not going to put up with any obstruction from Tim Eyman and his well-heeled supporters. We’re not having it.”
Regardless of the big picture, I must say that my (~ annual) booze purchase from the liquor store on Broadway did not fill me with warm fuzzy feelings: the cashier didn’t even pause in his loud conversation with the other (underemployed) employee present while “serving” me and seemed to have spent less that a millisecond that morning to make his appearance pleasant to others. Let’s hear it for the “invisible hand”.
And you think there are no bad employees with terrible attitiudes who work at Safeway or Costco?
let’s hear it for knee jerk voting.
Ah, but if you find the service at Safeway less than satisfactory, you can go to QFC. Or Trader Joe’s. Or Whole Foods. Or Costco. Or Fred Meyer…
If you find the service at the state store less than satisfactory, you can go to…another state store, or another state.
Good riddance to a dated and stupid system.
and if you get crappy service at the state store on broadway, you can go to the one on 12th/Pine, where I’ve always gotten totally fine service.
Point is, crap employees can be anywhere. Even someplace that you had a positive sales experience last time you went in.
I’m not against wider availability of booze, but the idea that a poor customer service experience is a good reason to remove substantial revenue from our already strapped state is kind of ridiculous.
Psh… story of Capitol Hill’s booze service in general. This behavior is NOT isolated to the liquor store on Broadway.