A beautiful weekend of warm (for the PNW) nights is in store. Go out there and earn it. Want to add something? Please add events to the (free!) CHS Calendar.
Thursday, September 8
- Canning demonstration with Kelly Geary at Oddfellows. 2-4p.
- Capitol Hill’s monthly Blitz Arts Walk puts even more art on the walls and people on the street than usual. Per usual, @blitzarts has a running roster of highlights including…
Installation for 30th anniv. of HIV/AIDS epidemic @ STart Wall Project. The City Love, Loss & Moveable Future; HIV30 Take Action Seattle
The Blitz after-party happens @TheBalticRoom! Live DJ, local artists, live entertainment and drink specials 7-9.
The Cockpit is at it again w/Melissa Hurst & Sam Rohr. Entry via the gate behind the Shell station, beware the dumpster. 5p-midnight.
Luxurious! Modern Elegance: The Art of Meiji Japan @ Asian Art Museum. Screen paintings, hanging scrolls, cloisonne enamelware, and more.
Keeping it local @ Burke Gallery w/Autumn Azure’s Ten on the Hill: Shopkeeps and Independents celebrating independent businesses on Cap Hill
Apocalypse Now! At Apocalypse Tattoo, various art work by the current artists ranging from classical to contemporary designs.
Welcome to the Art Walk Richardson Artist Studio! In the Union Art Co-op, showing Kate Anthony & works in progress of Robin Stacy Richardson
Again and again @VermillionSeatt ! Over and Over: A Small Survey of Obsessive Drawing curated by Izzie Klingels & Amanda Manitach.
Also art walk, Hugo House debuts its participation in the monthly event, with the Post-It Note Project:
Each night before she goes to bed, artist Clare Johnson draws a picture on a post-it note. Using a combination of images and writing, each drawing depicts something she’s thinking about that evening—a moment from the day, a feeling or thought running through her head as the end of that day approaches.
- CHS Flickr pool provocateur Lauren Max shows her work at Bauhaus
- Gamache Vineyards tasting at Vino Verite. $5.
- Barista tasting (Barista wine!) at 12th and Olive Wine
- Fashion Night Out at SPUN Collective
Friday, September 9
- Cowboy Boot Hopscotch Art show at Porchlight Coffee
- “September Skies” Through October 1st. World premiere drama by Jim Moran, 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, Odd Duck Studio
- Magnusson Park hosts the 2011 World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships
Saturday, September 10
- Salutation Nation 2011 Volunteer Park
- Century Ballroom’s weekly indoor flea market
- Beginning sewing class at E Pike’s Stitches: “This is a two day class and a total of 5 hours class time. The Bag Class offers beginning sewers a chance to get acquainted with basic fabric cutting and measuring skills, basic machine use, stitching, hemming and seam finishing among other techniques.”
- Saturday Family Concerts: Kimya Dawson at Town Hall Seattle
- NEPO 5k art walk from Pioneer Square
On Saturday, September 10th, 2011 at 9:00am your local time, roll out your mat and do yoga. Join your community to move, breathe, connect and get your downdog on!
Salutation Nation is:
-An annual, international day of yoga
-Led by local yoga ambassadors Silvia Mordini, Ginger Saunders, and Tina Templeman
-Open to all levelsBe sure to bring your mat and water
Sunday, September 11
- Seattle University 9/11 Ceremony: “… a special 10-year anniversary service to honor those lost in the 9/11/01 attacks. The Mass will occur first, with the theme of peace, followed by a special ceremony.”
- Quiet reflection, 5-8a; open community interaction, 8-10a, International Fountain, Seattle Center. More Seattle area 9/11 events.
- 9/11: Ten Years Later at Broadway Performance Hall
- ONE: The Event — “MAKE THE SHIFT FROM FEAR TO LOVE ON 9/11: Seattle Center events culminating in a Global Synchronized Moment of Love-FREE and open to all.”
- Short Stories Live: The Jewish Imagination, Part 2 at Town Hall
Monday, September 12
- Science: Emma Marris: Embracing a ‘Half-Wild’ Planet at Town Hall
- Old School Frozen Custard donating profit from 9/11 sales to Wounded Warrior Fund
Tuesday, September 13
- Frances Moore Lappé: Rethinking Environmental Challenges at Town Hall
- Mayor Town Hall at Miller community Center
Wednesday, September 14
- Eat Out on Capitol Hill benefit for Country Doctor Clinic: “Eat and drink at 29 Capitol Hill venues to benefit Country Doctor Community Health Centers. A portion of your bill will support accessible healthcare services to anyone regardless of ability to pay. Country Doctor has been on the Hill for 40 years.”