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BedlamBedlam, a store for gothic grown-ups, opens on Capitol Hill

(Image: BedlamBedlam)

What does a goth wear to work? There’s a new boutique on Capitol Hill created with Seattle’s grown-up goths in mind.

BedlamBedlam was conceived of almost a year ago when we realized that, despite the youth culture associations, much of the Gothic Community here in Seattle was actually a more adult group, people already well out of school, many working here in our tech industry,” Suki Valentine, the co-owner behind the new neo-Victorian shop on E Pike, tells CHS.

“These folks still want to be part of the scene, still have their aesthetic and Gothic proclivities, but now it’s more sophisticated and polished. When you’re 18 it’s fine to get your clothes and housewares from the Halloween Clearance Bin but when you’re 30, 35, 40- not so much,” Valentine writes.

She calls BedlamBedlam a high-end clothing and lifestyle boutique and says it caters to those who are older and “have a more refined taste for what they choose to wear on their bodies and decorate their homes with.”

(Images: BedlamBedlam)


The store, in goth style, opened with a big Labor Day weekend party that you weren’t invited to. The uninvited missed a book signing — Gothic Charm School, a fashion show, a wine and cheese reception and, well, fun.

Valentine and Shea Kauffman are Evergreen College grads (oops — only Kauffman!) with years of retail experience, according to Valentine: 

Shea’s a born-and-bred Seattlite that majored in Computer Science at Evergreen in Olympia, as such, he’s well-positioned to handle the tech aspects of our business, which includes everything from our point-of-sale system being the most state-of-the-art to the launching of our website. I on the other hand, have a Fine Arts degree in design from Pratt Institute in New York City, so I’m well positioned as the art director and primary buyer for our shop. Everything you see in BedlamBedlam was hand-picked by us with a careful eye toward detail, quality and aesthetic. 

After the big opening weekend, BedlamBedlam is settling in for awhile, Valentine says, adding a few new brands and working with the Mercury on another fashion show in October. There’s SteamCon to think about, then the Damned come to town and, then, it’s time for gothic amateur hour — also known as Halloween.

But Valentine says the goofy dress-up holiday won’t bring sneers at the shop:

As for Halloween, it’s a misconception that Goths aren’t interested in celebrating Halloween! We *love* when the rest of the world defers to our way of seeing things. The shop itself will be low-key in that we won’t be offering much in the way of out-and-out costume, but we will have a celebration of sorts here, as well as a secret endeavor we’re working on for the Big Night with another Seattle Gothic mainstay (shah!).

Valentine and Kauffman (Image: Adrienne Moxie MacIain)

Valentine tells CHS she thinks, despite high rents and a sometimes tough retail environment, Capitol Hill will make a good home for BedlamBedlam.

“This is where we spend our time, and the three main clubs of the scene- Noc Noc, the Mercury and Vogue Night at Neighbors Underground, are all walking distance to where we are located, so it’s easy for folks to pop by for something to enhance their look before heading out for the night, as well as stopping by after work is done for some job-friendly ‘corporate goth’ clothes and accessories,” she writes.

Valentine and Kauffman are looking forward to seeing their community and all of Capitol Hill experience their new store.

“We want people that walk through our door to get a sense of having entered another world,” Valentine says. “One in which the macabre can be beautiful and all find they receive a high level of respect, regardless of how they might be perceived by the outside world.”

BedlamBedlam is located at 613 E Pike. You can learn more at

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13 years ago

Now there’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one.

13 years ago

You took the words right out my mouth!

13 years ago

Yeah, but do they carry anything larger than “L”? I don’t even bother going into Metro. Not worth my time! Being 6’6″ can be…problematic for any clothing, let alone anything in a particular style.

13 years ago

why are you such a tool?

13 years ago

Looking for a black painted cross of a certain kind … maybe here?

2l mama
2l mama
13 years ago

if not here, try gargoyle statuary up on the ave

13 years ago

The fact that you had to mention it’s for grown-ups in the headline: enough said.

13 years ago

I didn’t know there were grown-ups who did this until this post. Very informative but more sad really.

13 years ago

I’m in the grey-haired-over-40 crowd, and stopped looking for well-made, elegant clothing years ago. Cheap stuff that 20-somethings might be able to afford fall apart and look bad; BedlamBedlam has stuff I can wear to family functions, weddings, nights at the opera, etc. with pride. Courteous staff, a clean store, and friendly clientele make this a huge benefit to CapHill.

13 years ago

I love this store. They carry gorgeous clothes and accessories. I’m not sure why people being so hatey about a new goth store. I guess some people just can’t let other people enjoy the things they love and that speak to them. In my opinion, it isn’t silly, sad or childish to have a love for self-expression and a fondness for beauty. Life is short and hard, why shouldn’t we wear lovely things and be who we are? “Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless; peacocks and lilies for instance.” ~John Ruskin

Violet Séverine
Violet Séverine
13 years ago

Bedlam bedlam is awesome. I’m so happy to have a store that caters to my tastes. The nasty comments here are just showing the influx of ignorant snobbery that plagues the Hill. I suppose some people are just upset that they lack the courage to break from the sheep herd they hide in.

Carter the Great
Carter the Great
13 years ago

Good article. And the store’s proprietors express their point-of-view very intelligently. I think costumery-as-clothing adds a certain something to an urban mise en scene: adds color and imagination, a little touch of the opera-house.

13 years ago

Unique and Beautiful…And Suki is Bloody Fantastic!

13 years ago

They carry up to 3XL in several items.

13 years ago

Couldn’t agree with you more… about the store and Suki!

13 years ago

At BedlamBedlam we made it a priority from the get-go to have sizes for everyone, not just what the mainstream considers beautiful. Our gowns and dresses go up to XXXL, many of our skirts are true “free size” and our men’s clothing is just as size varied, with pants going up to size 48 and shirts and vests up to size 50. If you don’t find something in your size, just ask- we’re happy to order It for you. I would also ask that you check out the video of our fashion show- varied and diverse models we dressed in our clothing speaks for itself.

13 years ago

As someone who’s been more or less goth since my childhood and who welcomed the first incarnation of it in the 80s, this sounds wonderful! I can’t wait to visit.

Aaron Castleberri
Aaron Castleberri
13 years ago

Just painted a crucifix black, it is yours for 50.00.

Call me … will meet at the shop …. I will be in red velvet cape and rather pointed hear gear …

13 years ago

True, but when you see multiple women walking around the Hill dressed up as Little Bo Peep it becomes tiresome. Reminds me of the tattoo phenomenon. Maybe 1/20th of 1% of examples are interesting, and the majority consist of worn out themes copied over and over by people who suffer from limited horizons and a poverty of imagination. Really, those are Chinese characters? I never would have guessed. I bet they mean something very important to you! It’s another form of crass American consumerism. Gee, look at me! I have two stars on my belly! Just compare these store-bought Goths to the fine folks profiled in CHS’ excellent series of photos of people who rock their own personal style on the Hill.

13 years ago

Wow, people. So I guess acceptance of others’ lifestyles only happens when it’s your own particular brand of weird, huh?

13 years ago

Sorry, but that is a stupid question. For all of its diversity Capitol Hill is one of the most intolerant and unaccepting places.

13 years ago

You’ve certainly illustrated your own point there, Hmm.

billie rain
13 years ago

i had lots of fun during the opening weekend, and i’m excited to see the store grow and prosper on capitol hill. i’m so proud of you for making your dream a reality and i love you!


13 years ago

I just feel the need to point something out. Where do you get off talking about maturity, while simultaneously judging people on their personal styles (Which they adhere to in their free time, whilst holding corporate jobs in many cases) like a bunch of cliquey high schoolers?

Suzette Monique
12 years ago

Finally, a shop for gothic grown-ups! A community near and dear to my heart since 1982. Love, love, love it!