Upon a visit to Columbia City Farmer’s Market today, Wiley Frank and his wife Poncharee Kounpungchart, PK for short, informed me that their return of their Capitol Hill pop-up restaurant will be Monday, August, 29 at La Bete. Their pop-up on Monday nights was discontinued when Licorous closed their doors back in June.
Shophouse brings “food off the path” dishes devoted to the craft of traditional Thai cuisine. Wiley Frank and PK lived in Thailand experiencing food, culture and family for over a year. Lucky for us, Wiley and PK still have been sharing their acquired wisdom and knowledge with hungry customers at Columbia City Farmer’s Market on Wednesday afternoons despite their closing at Licorous.
Wednesday afternoons isn’t enough for fans of Wiley’s and PK’s food, and I’m sure many will be thrilled to learn of their return of their pop-up restaurant in Capitol Hill.
Pop-up restaurants provide many of the same opportunities that food trucks offer to young chefs; It’s a way to test new dishes, let off some creative steam, expand their brand to new neighborhoods and otherwise take risks without the hefty upfront investment required for a traditional restaurant.
“That first Monday is going to be crazy! Hopefully it’s going to be like riding a bike and we don’t forget” Wiley excitedly proclaimed as he dished out some of his Loki Salmon cakes to hungry farmer’s market shoppers.
Eater Seattle also reported Monday Night Shophouse Popping at La Bete.
To learn more about Shophouse, follow them on facebook. You can also read my article on Shophouse on my blog at http://www.FrancisFoodie.com
Follow me on Twitter @francisfoodie