Who do this.
(Image: betweenprologueandepilogue via Flickr)
We’ll have more on Capitol Hill kids + parks soon following last week’s spirited debate about safety in Cal Anderson.
Who do this.
(Image: betweenprologueandepilogue via Flickr)
We’ll have more on Capitol Hill kids + parks soon following last week’s spirited debate about safety in Cal Anderson.
otherwise they can get the hell outta my park!
*end sarcasm*
“Capital Hill” and “Kid Friendly” are not two ideas that easily reconcile in my head.
just last week I was in the park with some out of towners and they asked if anyone ever climbs the fountain.
I didn’t have my good camera, just my point-and-shoot backup, but on Friday, July 29th there were two gals in bikinis sitting on top of the running fountain during the screening of “Xanadu”.
They’re just climbing out of the clutches of the ravening homeless horde.
That looks like a stupid thing for those kids to be doing. Where are their parents?
A couple things come to mind. Natural selection and survival of the fittest are the most prevalent.
Looks strikingly similar to the end of the video for Glosoli by Sigur Ros.
Really, that is unsafe? What the hell happened to kids being kids? We used to jump off roofs, skateboard down hills and climb trees. Now, climbing a little tiny fountain is unsafe. Kids now are lame.
Once upon a time this land was full of kids that could climb things. Now they must be locked in a padded room until the magic age of 18, then they can climb whatever/whomever they want.
It’s not the kids who are lame. (obviously, from the pic). It’s their over-protective parents. Kids are still kids, if you let them. We all know we climbed stuff just like this (or worse) when we were kids. And yet, we all lived….
most of them
If any of those kids slip, fall, and hit their head, how long do you think their parental unit(s) will take to sue the city? There’s a big difference falling out of a tree on one’s private property and getting injured on city land. Because if that happens, we’ll likely end up with an 8′ wrought iron fence around the fountain. To, you know, protect the children.
Capital Hill? Never heard of it.
Apparently you’ve forgotten what it’s like to be a kid… they’re not exactly freeclimbing the Matterhorn here.
Let the kids play.
Climbing stuff is fun. Even if you fall and get hurt sometimes.
“Can a Playground Be Too Safe?”
Dude. Seriously. And if they try the lawsuit route it should be thrown out of court. Revolution! No, evolution.
Anarchists in the making
It’s the drunk and stoned adults who climb up the fountain while the water is running who are gonna end up with a TBI.
At the top, they push one of the kids off balance and THAT ONE tumbles down to gales of hah hAH HAH – seriously shaken, if not really hurt badly.
So love the kids.
Remember the real truth about childhood and angelic hooey?
It’s all fun and games until one of them slips. Once they do, they aren’t stopping until they hit the ground, and they’ll hit it hard. Which is fine by me, I just don’t want to hear parents complaining about it later. Watch your damn kids.
Maybe they’re talking about Capitol Hill.
TBI = traumatic bong injury.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think “Damn, that’s a great shot.” To hell with the kids, that’s seriously awesome lighting
“Capital Hill” and “Bikini” are not two ideas that easily reconcile in my head.
Yup I agree. My first reaction was “damn that’s a nice shot.”
Second thought was “I wish I could be a kid again having fun climbing and running and playing and screwing around with my lil’ buddies. Sigh!”
Third thought was “I’ll bet a lot of people freak out about this.”
Let’s not remake the park…get the parents to actually watch the kids, not chat on their cell phones.
Really – do you ask people to spell Captiol Hill when they are speaking it to you? Grammar snots are so annoying on these threads. We get the point already, go wag your finger somewhere else.
Hey Upd you spelled Capitol Hill wrong again in your post about how annoyed you are by people correcting peoples’ spelling.
Is it really that difficult?
I did?
“Captiol Hill” is incorrect.
Please make a note of it.
I climbed up this fountain WITH my kid. It is easy AND fun.
All of those people getting darwin awards thought what they were doing was easy and fun.