Late night shenanigans required a visit to the Broadway Dick’s by the Seattle Fire Department early Saturday morning. A man a witness said was playing with a lighter set fire to a road sign early Saturday morning behind the Broadway drive-in. According to the SPD report on the incident, the man and a female companion at first ran from the burning sign but then circled back to try to extinguish the fire with a coat and the beverages they were carrying after a witness yelled at them.
The incident sounds unrelated to last weekend’s vandalism. Detectives continue to investigate Pride weekend’s dance party/riot that resulted in broken windows at two area businesses and two damaged SPD cruisers and are looking for more images and video from the June 25th/26th incident.
Full report on the fire incident is below.
On 7/2/11, at approximately 2:40 a.m, officers responded to an Arson call in the 100 block of Harvard Ave E. The complainant had called 911 to report that someone had tried to set a building on fire.
According to a witness, two suspects had been standing near a disused traffic sign behind a fast food establishment on Broadway. The male suspect was playing with a lighter and set fire to the sign. They had initially started to run away, but the witness, yelled at them, telling them to put the fire out. The main suspect and his companion had then used their drinks and a coat to try and extinguish the flames. They were unsuccessful, so they went back to their original plan and fled the area on foot.
Seattle Fire Dept personnel responded and put the fire out with very little effort. Fire Marshal 5, responded to the scene. SPD Arson Bomb screened the call via telephone.
Suspects descriptions:
S1: Asian male, 20′s ,503 tall, 130 pounds (thin build) Black Hair, Dark clothing
S2: White female 20′s 501 tall 110 pounds (thin build) Blonde Hair (styled short) Long- sleeved black shirt, light-colored short skirt, knee socks with sneakers.
How the heck did I miss that? I live in the blue & green building next to the lot in a unit that unfortunately faces that blight of an establishment. I was definitely awake too, since drunken loud rap music harley noise from Dicks keeps me awake until about 3am most weekend nights. All sorts of vagrants and drunken slobs use and abuse that lot all night, when it’s actually a private lot for some of the businesses in the area. I wish they’d fence it off or something.
Yeah I’m bitter that my leasing office didn’t tell me about this before I moved here, but of course they didn’t.