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Man claims he was drugged, forced to pay for sex act at Capitol Hill men’s club

Seattle Police are investigating a man’s allegations that a worker at 10th Ave bathhouse Tribe Seattle robbed him after forcing him to swallow meth and performing a sex act for which the suspect demanded payment.

The man told police that he went to Tribe — you might know it as Basic Plumbing — on Saturday night, July 2nd after he visited another nearby club and left because it “appeared dirty and its clientel (sic) seemed shady.” Another patron recommended the 10th Ave club, the man said. SPD says the man told officers he went to the club because he was lonely and “stated that he was aware that these private clubs are basically locations where Gay people have sex and do drugs.”

Inside, the man told police he socialized for about four hours and was feeling buzzed but still felt in control of his faculties when he met a “cute” man who the victim said was a staff member. The suspect invited him upstairs to “party” in one of the rented rooms available at the club, the victim told police. Upstairs, the suspect had more meth than the victim said he “had ever seen before.”

The man told police that he and the suspect were doing drugs when suddenly he was grabbed and forced down onto the bed. The man said the suspect then dropped a small ball of meth known as a “gut ball” into his mouth and also forced him to drink a liquid. “Take this, it will relax and calm you,” the suspect allegedly said as he held the man down on the bed. The man told police he immediately began to feel the effects of the drugs saying he was “disoriented and no longer had physical control of his person, or aware of his surroundings.”

The man told SPD the suspect then told him he didn’t have sex with members “without request or agreement of fee” and proceeded to do a “striptease type act” and then to masturbate in front of the drugged man. Once he finished, the suspect demanded payment for the sex and the drugs, the man told police. When the man said he would only pay for the drugs, the suspect allegedly fished his Visa from his wallet complete with the new card’s handily attached pin number and left the room. “Stay right there in bed. You better not move or else,” the suspect reportedly told the still groggy victim.

The man said the suspect returned about 20 minutes later and told him he had taken money from the account for what he was owed — and given the man a discount for the show. The man said he eventually made his way back to the front desk where he voluntarily handed over the card to pay for more time in the room where he passed out and awoke Sunday morning. The man said he then met a good samaritan inside the club who gave him a ride home.

The man told police he didn’t get his card back from his last visit to the front desk and that his bank records show that six withdrawals were made on the card for a total of $1,200. He told police he also lost his “Gucci” watch in the night’s activities.

The following Wednesday the man returned to the club and decided to contact the police. According to the report on the incident, a man identified as one of the club’s owners who said that he was aware of the man’s allegations but was not there the night of the incident. The owner confirmed that the suspect was a new employee at the club. No arrests were made.

The report goes on to say the victim told police he “realizes that he is an adult and accountable for all of his decision making right or wrong, he felt he was assaulted, and properties stolen from him due [to the suspect] forcing drugs into his system.”

At this point, CHS is not aware of any arrests made in relation to this case. We’ll follow up when we learn more about the continuing investigation.

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etaoin shrdlu
etaoin shrdlu
13 years ago

And here I’ve been doing it for free all these years!

Tribe/Basic Plumbing: home of the hard sell(allegedly).

Queen B
Queen B
13 years ago

Ok this sounds purely like the guy spent more money than “what he ever thought possible” in relation to drugs and sex. I’ve never woke up the next morning having paid for sex, but plenty of times I check my bank and think “holy hell, I spent way too much bar hopping and having a blast on the hill last night. How am I gonna make it through the week?”

13 years ago

is tribe seattle under a new management team since old basic plumbic?
who is/are the owner(s)?

Um Really?!
Um Really?!
13 years ago

Sorry, I just don’t buy it. The guy ADMITS being buzzed after FOUR HOURS and to doing drugs. Sorry the guy was lonely, hey, aren’t we all sometimes? I call bullshit.

13 years ago

When you use drugs in the amount it sounds like the guy did, you’re making yourself very vulnerable to all kinds of criminal acts. I’m not saying he was responsible for what happened…maybe he was and maybe he wasn’t (conflicting stories)…only that this kind of thing is not unusual when drugs are involved. I think he needs to take some responsibility, since he made the choice to get drugged up.

Hopefully he learned something from this sad episode.

13 years ago

If this is what really went down, then it’s a shame. But my first thought was that the victim probably just regrets going to a bath house, regrets spending all that money on drugs, and is trying to blame someone else for those actions. I’m surprised there aren’t allegations of forced bareback sex.

13 years ago

This fellow is a lapsed Catholic, and feels guilty as hell.

Who knows the truth, most likely not even him. Sure you get totally blotto and then have a story line minute by minute …think not. And he goes public?

And what he and the other guy did together, over hours … well, might well have been worth a solid fee. Buyers remorse?

Too bad.

Have never heard such tales about Basic Plumbing before, and they have been around years.

John Doe
John Doe
13 years ago

This part seems odd:
“he suspect allegedly fished his Visa from his wallet complete with the new card’s handily attached pin number”

Who keeps their PIN number with their Visa? Most ATM’s take snapshots of the individuals making withdrawals, shouldn’t be too hard to find the suspects.

13 years ago

Why as a community have we allowed these clubs to stay open? They serve absolutely no use except as safe havens for illegal activity. We need the leadership in the gay community to come out and demand that these clubs be shut down or highly regulated.

As for the idiot who filed the police report, quit wasting tax payer money on your regrets. Whatever money you recoup from “Tribe” you should pay to SPD for wasting their time.

13 years ago

That’s what I’m thinking too. He probably realized what he did and is now trying to cover his ass.

you're full of it
you're full of it
13 years ago

are you fucking stupid?! Well, yeah, I guess so. Supposed puritans like you are the reason the GOP has so much power.

This has absolutely NOTHING to do with a sex club and everything to do about the fact this clown fucked up and is trying to place the blame elsewhere to get himself out of trouble.


13 years ago

Oh please. Acting like everyone who is inside a sex club is doing something illegal because some of them are is like saying every driver is drunk because of the ones who are DUI. There’s absolutely no reason for consenting adults not to have a safe place to have sex with each other legally, and if you don’t like that, I can’t imagine how you’d feel if they were all doing it in parks and alleys or in your backyard. Grow up.

cap hill dude
cap hill dude
13 years ago

Thank you! These places are disgusting and a really nasty throwback to the ’80s and before. Can’t we do better?

13 years ago

Wait, you can buy Crystal Meth on Visa? Do you still get rewards points?

13 years ago

I’m all for safe places for consenting adults to have sex, hotels, whatever. That is not in fact what is happening in these places. ANYONE who patronizes them knows for a fact that they are merely fronts for illegal drug activity. Sure, not 100% of all of their patrons participate in illegal activity, but definitely most of them do.

Also, there are people who go to these clubs with the intent of intentionally infecting people with HIV. Nobody will admit this to you for fear of being called a homophobe, but it’s the truth.

Easy solution, require that they have an RN on staff during all open hours to answer any questions that patrons might have. Just like liquor establishments, police should be able to access these clubs 24/7 without notice to look for illegal drugs. If anyone overdoses in these clubs they should be required to shut down for a week while staff is retrained on identifying and eliminating patrons who engage in illegal activity.

There are plenty of other, safer and less insidious options for consenting gay men to go have sex than these fronts for illegal activity. And I am as about as far left wing as you can get politically, but the fact that places like this are granted business licences makes me sick to my stomach.

13 years ago

You can’t rape the willing.

Um Really?
Um Really?
13 years ago

Apparently you’re NOT as left as you claim. True, a large percentage of the folks at the sex clubs do drugs, but unless you’ve tested each and every customer, you can’t make that claim.

Guys go to those places to get their rocks off, period. Just because your sense of “values” or inhibitions prohibit you from going in there, doesn’t give you the right to make generalizations about EVERY customer in the place nor defame the name or the businesses. Don’t like them, stay the hell out and STFU.

13 years ago

Chillguy, This place (and the others in town) have HIV testing and counseling available several days a week, staffed by people from King County Health. Anyone who needs safe-sex info can get it if they want it. The police already have access to the place to look for drugs. And this notion there are people intentionally infecting people with HIV is nothing but hysteria. For sure there are customers who are HIV+, but the “on a mission” thing is nothing but alarmist hysteria. And men who go there know the risks.

The big problem with this place is the owner is entirely complacent and tolerant when it comes to meth. So it’s not surprising he hires someone who would do this. It will certainly be why he loses the place, when he does.

13 years ago

that’s kind of what I thought….What–did he pry the guy’s mouth open to force the meth in? Somehow I don’t thinks so….

Still…that doesn’t excuse $1200 in unauthorized charges on that card over the next week– if that happened.

13 years ago

Believe what you might, these places are a scourge on our community. But it’s par for the course, we are not a community of people who care about each other. We are predators. God forbid we give up something that allows us to prey on the young naive men who come here from out of town only to have some old troll get them high on meth and infected with HIV. THIS DOES HAPPEN, daily in this city. These places facilitate this predatory behavior of older gay men on the young gay male population. I see it daily and have for the past 20 years I’ve lived here. Sometimes being a gay man in this city is shameful. These “businesses” shame our community.

13 years ago

He supposedly did all that meth and passed out but woke up the next morning? Must’ve been some bad shit cuz he shoulda been up for days!!!

13 years ago

“Believe what you wish”? You could take your own advice. With “community members” like you spreading this sort of hysterical stereotyping, who needs enemies? To begin with– I know plenty of people who are HIV+. Not one of them–EVER- has ever voiced any opinion that it would be anything short of horrible to intentionally infect someone with HIV. In fact, they’re overwhelmingly extra-careful to make sure it doesn’t happen. I’ve way more times read of stories of this happening by heterosexuals intentionally trying to infect their boyfriends/girlfriends/tricks. In any case, your supposed claims of intentional infection are just that–claims and speculations, and I’m sure you can’t back them up. They’re a nasty unfounded stereotype. As for your cliche’ about “older men preying on younger men”– what in this write-up made you believe the victim was younger than the employee, and he was “preyed on” by an older man? Actually, the fact that the employee thought he could get the guy to pay for it, suggests to me that the opposite is true.

13 years ago

You never keep your PIN number with the card, so his doing that was just asking to be ripped off. I think the “victim” is making stuff up. There probably were drugs involved in some consentual play but they he got his feelings hurt or felt ripped off for what he paid for the drugs so he is going to get even by trying to get thge employee in trouble by making these allegations.

13 years ago

Well done blaming the victim. No one sexual assaults are so under-reported.

13 years ago

That was supposed to say “No wonder”, not “No one”.

13 years ago

Was supposed to say “No wonder”, not “No one”

Um Really?
Um Really?
13 years ago

chillguy, you need to shut the fuck up, it’s obvious you’re nothing but a self loathing jerk who knows nothing about what he speaks. You spend your time spewing generalizations that have ZERO fact behind them.

Crawl back into your closet and shut up already

13 years ago

nay, he probably realized someone ELSE (his wife, friend, boss, whatever) realized what he did ….and is covering his ass.

13 years ago

Yup, sure, right, you betcha.
In related news;
a lonely straight guy went to Little Darlings/FU and blew 800 bucks on dancers/skankunderwear/bj promises, and then stopped at the 5 Point for 100 bucks of bad booze, and then walked to John Street and Aurora Ave with the intention of buying drugs and sex for another $300.
He then, ODDLY ENOUGH had: a hard on, regretful purchases, got drunk, got high, and got sex.
SOMEHOW, he woke up 1200 dollars poorer and assumed that such a fast loss of money from an unwise person (i.e. Commerce) must be a crime, since he was no longer orgasming/high/drunk/had 1200 bucks to blow.
He then, oddly enough, got called on it by a boss, wife, whatever and then proceeded to write his PIN on his atm card and craft a ‘logical’ story to explain his lateness/hangover/bloody cocksores, …and half-correctly presumes that fingerprints won’t be taken from the card and that atm security footage won’t be reviewed.

I guess I feel the same way about a year after buying a new car (“HOW the F did I spend SO MUCH money on this crap??”) So, I suppose I should try going to Pierre Ford and claiming I was “forced” to go there and browse, forced to buy the car with options, and that when I handed the dealer a check it was actually ‘taken’ and I was ‘mugged’ and involuntarily am still driving their cursed car around. Yup.

13 years ago

This reminds me of the scene when Ben Still stops at the rest stop to pee, trips in the dark, falls to his knees at a pantless mans feet just as the lights come on and the cops move in. He says I was just peeing.

Club Employee
Club Employee
13 years ago

The guy spoke with me before calling the police and he was just trying to get money from the club. He told me on the phone that he was going to lie to the police. I really wish they would stop calling this idiot the “victim”. I was their that night and he knew exactly what he was doing… Shame on him.

13 years ago

I cant believe how drugs can affect your brain. this guy is creating a huge fantasy that he really wants to have. Dude instead of wasting your time using drugs,and paying for sex.” write a book”. With your imagination you can be the best seller in the world. And we can have the next Hollywood movie hit like Harry Potter. No puedo creer la imaginacion the este compa y como afectan las drogas a tu cerebro. Amigo en vez de perder tu tiempo usando drogas y pagando por sexo, mejor escribe un libro y sera el mejor best seller y talvez tengamos una pelicula en Hollywood como Harry Potter.

12 years ago

The posts about this squalid little affair are remarkable not only for their mean-spiritedness, but for the way in which they casually disregard facts to create grounds for their mean-spiritedness. In particular, the commenters who claim to have information relating to the case but are sniggering about it here rather than contacting the police are nasty little gossip-crazed cretins of no discernible character.

There are no circumstances under which fraudulent charges on another’s credit card are justifiable. Nor are there any under which the distribution of meth is ever anything other than the promotion of a horrifyingly addictive mind- and soul-destroying poison.

Schadenfreude is a defect of character, not something to be proud of. Shame on you all for your sniggering, cackling lack of compassion. Your weakness disgusts me.