We posted earlier this week about the expansion of Capitol Hill “microcreamery” Bluebird to Phinney Ridge. Turns out, we missed 3/4 of the story. Bluebird is also expanding to Fremont (2). And it will be brewing beer there (3). And its Capitol Hill store is turning 2 Saturday with a big bash (4).
There, that’s 4/4. Here’s more from Bluebird’s founder Josh Reynolds on the big days for the tiny ice cream producer:
Bluebird is turning two years old, and we’re celebrating all weekend! We’ll be rolling out a new BIRTHDAY CAKE flavor to commemorate the event, complete with chunks of cake from our neighbors at Cupcake Royale.
(For the non-dairy folk, we’ve got a vegan brownie batter ice cream with bits of cake from Mighty-O donuts!) If you wish us a “happy birthday” any time on Saturday or Sunday, we’ll sweeten your day by giving you a free topping on your choice of ice cream. Our awesome new “Capitol Hill is Sweet” mural by Pine Sreet’s Cakespy will also have its official ribbon-cutting this weekend. (This mural is a highlight of our Capitol Hill space. One-of-a-kind.) Here is an awesome e-tour of it. Because we think that any proper party include live music, we’ll be having a 3-band after-hours show on our stage, with Slow Skate, Seapony, and Slowwave on Saturday night. And, if that wasn’t enough, now for the BIG news: Bluebird is expanding with TWO additional locations. Our shop in Fremont will be located at 3515 Fremont Ave. N at the corner of 36th and Fremont. We will be between the Dubliner bar and our friends at Pie. Official press link here. Our shop in Greenwood/Phinney will be located at 7400 Greenwood Ave N. at thecorner of 74th and Greenwood. We will share this building with Cornuto Pizza and Caffe Vita, with the spaces being internally connected, and a new patio being built out back, across all three restaurants. Additionally, we will operating a nano-brewery on premises, where we’ll be making hand-crafted ales and sodas for floats on tap and growlers to take home. Official press link here. We have been fortunate to have spent these past two years with the best neighbors and customers in Capitol Hill. Without you, this success would not have been possible and we are extremely appreciative. So come on by and help celebrate our good news with us by having some special ice cream, free toppings, and listening to an awesome concert. Check out this link for more details and RSVP. We’re looking forward to seeing you this weekend!
Wait. A CakeSpy mural, too? Now we have 5/4 of the story. Busy Bluebird.