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CHS Pics: Undre Arms rummage sale

After owning the place for almost 40 years, Paul McKillop sold Capitol Hill’s Undre Arms apartment building to developers in 2007. Saturday morning, as visitors dug through treasures, etc. in a rummage sale to clear out the building before its pending demolition, McKillop found a familiar face in two old photos buried amongst the accumulated years of stuff. One image was a child. The other, a man in uniform. Both, McKillop said, were him. He rolled up the old prints and wandered through the rooms of things marked for sale with fluorescent price stickers. Sometime in the next month, the building will come down to make way for a new 6-story apartment building. This weekend, there are memories on display — and for sale. And if you find any pictures of yourself in the stacks, you can have those for free. 

The sale continues through 3p and continues 9a-3p on Sunday.


Images: CHS

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13 years ago

At home with a new baby and unable to attend this sale today. Thanks for the pics! It looks like it might have been one of the best events of the capitol hill year (IMHO).