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Pride flag over Broadway? Light rail crane possible Capitol Hill home for LGBT colors

More than 8,000 people so far have signed a petition to tell the private company that operates the Space Needle they want the iconic tower to, once again, fly the Pride flag over Seattle. You can sign the petition here. But even if the Space Needle won’t be budged, there’s a chance the Pride colors could still fly over another part of the city — Capitol Hill. CHS has learned that the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Seattle Business Association have asked Sound Transit to consider flying the symbol of LGBT pride from the 200-foot tall crane at the Broadway station construction site. Correction: the request originated solely with the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce.

A Sound Transit representative tells CHS the agency is looking into the request and wants to make it happen but that the decision will have to go through the contractor in charge of operating the construction site, a joint venture of contractors Jay Dee/Coluccio/Michaels. We’re working to talk with a representative from the joint venture about the decision.

The 6-story-plus crane used for lifting heavy machinery and tunnel equipment towers over Broadway and is visible across much of central Capitol Hill.

While it wouldn’t be as visible for the rest of the city, the flag’s presence on Capitol Hill would certainly not be out of place.

Even with the main parade and public party moving to downtown and the Seattle Center, most of Pride’s nightlife and events take place on Capitol Hill.

For now, there’s apparently no need for a Broadway petition. Sound Transit says issues of safety and logistics need to be weighed. Meanwhile, if the Space Needle petition is successful, there’s nothing wrong with two rainbow flags over Seattle.

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13 years ago

I’d LOVE to see a Pride flag fly from that crane :)

13 years ago

Well, at least they were respectful. It’s a reasonable response, since it’s consistent with all the other requests. I hope nobody gets their panties in a wad about this. It really would be nice to see it on the Space Needle again, though.

13 years ago

I agree. I think that’s why the Space Needle one is so disappointing. It was OK last year, but now it’s not? Consistency and respect are key.

13 years ago

A Space Needle rep stated recently that they are getting away from flying any specialty flags at all. If this is true, and if time confirms it, then they are not singling out the Pride flag, but simply putting it in with their new policy.

13 years ago
