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Why it’s a good week to bike or walk on Capitol Hill

Volunteer Park, originally uploaded by katie.houck.

It’s not just this 60+ degree heat wave. The Seattle Department of Transportation this week is conducting field surveys to count how many people are walking or biking in 50 locations across the city. No tags or radio collars are required, we hope. We’re not suggesting you goose the numbers but do note the “investments” language, below.

SDOT will be conducting pedestrian and bicycle volume counts at more than 50 locations across Seattle from May 10th to May 12th as part of the National Bicycle & Pedestrian Documentation Project

Following a consistent, nationally recognized methodology will improve the quality and consistency of our data, and also increase the frequency with which we collect this type of data.  The information we collect will document current levels of walking and biking, help us measure our progress towards increasing the number of people who walk and bike, and help make the case for additional investments.  We plan on collecting pedestrian and bicycle volume information for times per year with our next count taking place in July. 

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13 years ago

Is that what the weird instrument is, tied to the lightpole on the corner next to the Dick Blick Store?