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Volunteer Park area burglary update: SPD looking for suspicious white van

We’ve been following the SPD activity related to a string of burglaries around Volunteer Park including the situation surrounding a wanted felon held at gunpoint by a resident who found the man snooping late at night behind neighborhood homes. The good news is that the attention seems to have cut down the burglary reports in the area — though we did receive a tip about a house break-in in Montlake. But the man arrested didn’t show up at his court appearance and is apparently on the lam again. And police are continuing to look for a van and a “person of interest” in the burglaries despite a handful of burglary-related arrests in recent weeks on the Hill.

First, the City Attorney’s office tells us that the man who was arrested after being held at gunpoint in the area near the burglaries has not been charged after being hauled in for trespassing. He was released from jail late last week on condition that he appear in court on previous warrants related to his past failures to appear. The man failed to appear again and is not currently in King County Jail custody.

EPCPC Meeting May 26th @Horace Mann
Community crime meeting for residents and business owners


Thursday, May 26, 2011 06:00 PM – 07:30 PM
Where: 2410 East Cherry Street
What: Our next East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition meeting is on May 26th at The Horace Mann School. Our speaker for the evening is Jocquelyn Duncan with the Work -it- Out program. This program is a community based non-traditional educational and job training resource located in the heart of the Central District. 

Work -it- Out’s Mission is to equip vulnerable youth between the ages of 16 and 21, with the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social skills to become empowered, knowledgeable citizens actively engaged in their communities.
As always we will have an update from the precinct and time for you to talk about what is happening in your neighborhood.

Meanwhile, SPD has met with residents in the area where the burglaries seem to be centered near the park. We can’t confirm the details of the meeting with SPD but we do know that there are a couple specific things they are on the lookout for:

  • A white van being driven suspiciously has been reported by residents in the area of the burglaries.
  • An older white male who is balding escaped after a resident caught him trying to break into a home. SPD believes the man may be involved with other burglary attempts in the area.

If you see suspicious activity — especially if it involves any of the descriptions above — give 911 a call.

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13 years ago

Let me get this straight. The trespasser (who was probably casing homes for a burglary) was released from jail even though he has a past history of “failure to appear” on previous charges? Why?

And now he has failed to appear again…surprise! surprise!

Why wasn’t he kept in jail, so that his required appearance in court would be guaranteed? Sometimes the legal system makes no sense at all.