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Hugo House brings a few of its favorite poems outside around Capitol Hill for National Poetry Month

11th Ave’s own Hugo House has been celebrating National Poetry Month with local writers reading their favorite poems in day-to-day settings. With Hugo’s Capitol Hill location, many of these settings are on or near Capitol Hill. Below, you can watch Sean O’Connor read Billy Collins from the Cal Anderson swings. Here’s Howl from the Pony bathroom. One poem comes to you from a barbershop on Denny and Bellevue (watch for the Bud Light truck’s arrival in the background). Here’s a poetry-rich stroll through the Central District. You can view the entire month’s worth of readings here.

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13 years ago

According to Street Sweets’ twitterfeed, they will be @ Hugo House on Saturday along with Maximus/Minimus & Hallava Fallafel

Saturday April 30th
Maximus/Minimus, Skillet and Hallava Fallafel. Heather Shouse will be signing her new book about food trucks.