CHS dropped by the new Marination Station for a sneak peek during Kamala Saxton’s pre-opening party Thursday night. The new restaurant — the first of the Seattle street food scene to bring its offerings to a brick and mortar location — opens for real Friday at 11 AM. Hours daily are 11 to 8 PM. Look, beer!
Beer and tacos!
great–another cheapish-eats option. Too bad that HITE is such lousy beer….I psent a year in Korea so I think I would know. Same with California-brewed Primo.
That’s just like, your opinion, man.
I thought Rancho Bravo was the first to open a brick & mortar location?
good call, you’re right.
And, even though I tried this place yesterday and liked it, I think R.B. has still got it all over this place. But it’s good to have options. :-)