Like the rest of the planet, we are watching the events in Japan via media coverage from sources like the BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera. But we’re also experiencing some of it through the notes of members of the Capitol Hill community who have found themselves in the middle of the history. Details on two from the Hill we’re following and information about how you can help Japan, below.
- We have added information on donating to Red Cross to all of our pages. Text “REDCROSS” to number 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross or give here.
- We have heard about a few benefit efforts in the neighborhood and will be adding notes about efforts to this post. Please let us know of any you hear about in comments.
- CHS contributor and pro videographer David Albright is tweeting from Japan @dalbrightvideo. He is currently in Tsugawa Niigata on the east coast of the country.
- Paul Blake, one of the partners behind the Unicorn, was headed for Tokyo when his flight was re-routed to a United States military base in Japan. He is currently on the ground with other passengers waiting at the base. He is tweeting @pblake123
- This might be a good time to consider getting involved with Capitol Hill Preparedness People and putting together your own home safety kit including plenty of water.
Will add more here as I find them:
Polished Boutique Spa: 10% of today’s sales
I have a few friends living on Beacon Hill who are in the same position as Mr. Blake up above. They posted some pics of themselves with a guard late afternoon(Japan)/early this morning(here). Definitely looked like a refugee camp.
I hope every AMERICAN has a clear understanding of what will happen if any of those nuclear reactors melts down in Japan. And the Japanese better be FUCKING honest and upfront about the extent of damage to those reactors to every expert at their disposal. How can anyone sleep right now…jeez.
Yes, let’s lecture the Japanese about proper ethics when handling nuclear material. You have a long memory span.