Roll 215_009, originally uploaded by aaron piazza.
We were disappointed to find that a Seattle Public Schools survey to collect feedback on a proposed hike in fees for kindergarten was open for all of 60 hours before results were collected and shared with the board:
As you know, SPS is working hard to find solutions to close the estimated $35 million budget gap for 2011-2012. Our goal is to implement direct cuts to schools only as a last resort. However, we have explored multiple options and we do need to consider those direct cuts. The Audit & Finance committee has asked us to survey families in relation to payment for full-day kindergarten.
This is a very short turn-around survey, and we would really appreciate your support in informing families that we would love to have their feedback. Thank you.
The survey is closed as of Friday morning though results were going to be collected through the day: You can still send mail to [email protected] and let them know your thoughts on the hike. More on the situation here.
In the meantime, Seattle Parks is giving dog owners plenty of time to provide feedback on “minor improvements” to its 11 off-leash areas in the city:
If you’re a user of Seattle’s off leash areas, please take a minute and tell us what minor improvements would make your favorite site more user-friendly. We don’t have a lot of money, but there are some small projects we can do.
» Click here to take a brief survey
Any suggestions for the Pillars area?
I think we have plenty of off-leash areas for kindergarteners.
1/2 the park should be for small dogs only
Could we get you to pick up your dog’s shit more often?
The survey’s timing was ridiculous, but they apparently received 2,000 responses! Anyway, the likely increase for next year’s K is $30/month more. The SPS community blog has details:
Love the pic. :)
I agree – more small dog areas would be awesome.
taquitos are my fave!