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CHS Pics: 1/11/11 Capitol Hill snow images

While it was more memorable for the ankle-deep slush we found the next morning, for a few hours on January 11th and into the 12th, the Hill was covered in thick, wet snow. Here are some images from the CHS Flickr pool of the snowy night. They’re kind of a lonely set — guess that’s what happens when snow storms only visit for the night.

Light Rail in Snow
, originally uploaded by blackracer.


Bench, sent in by Liza.



tracks, originally uploaded by zenobia_joy.


Snow 01.11.11
, originally uploaded by Chat Noir Photographie.


Tracks on the Roof
, originally uploaded by blackracer.


Cap Hill Snow_2011
, originally uploaded by spratt504.


, originally uploaded by Fecki.
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14 years ago

Some pretty cool shots here…