CHS commenter zeebleoop found the answer to what comes next for the Melrose Market retail space vacated by Velouria. Taylor Shellfish Farms is lined up to add fresh seafood sales to the Market’s offerings:
what’s next for the velouria space?
taylor shellfish farms via “all you can eat” blog (scroll to the end of the article).
a shellfish store? i’m not sure i’d give them heavy odds to be in that spot a year from now. doesn’t/didn’t bar ferd’nand sell oysters, clams and other shellfish? i don’t know that the hill, especially i5 shores, really has a need. unless they also plan to sell fin fish too.
now, a fresh fish shop? that’s likely to be a big draw for business.
Melrose’s Market indie market concept include a butcher, a cheese shop, wine and, soon, fresh seafood. A bakery is too obvious as a next step but if Sonic Boom had better watch its back.
Taylor Shellfish Farms says the Taylor family has been farming oysters for more than 100 years in the Pacific Northwest. They’re a familiar participant at farmers’ markets around Seattle. This will be the company’s first “inland” retail location joining stores in Shelton and Samish.
No word on when the new shop will open but we weren’t able to find any new construction permits on file for the shop. We assume a fresh shellfish shop will require more infrastructure than a clothing boutique — but we’re no oyster farmers, so who knows.
You can learn more at
I look forward to continue helping MM make me broke.
This is great! Probably a better fit for that location/space. I think there’s actually a great market in this area, I was a little skeptical at first about the lasting power of Rain Shadow, but there has always been a line when we go for meat. I don’t believe there will be any competition with Bar Ferd’nand, which only sells oysters for on-location eating. Really excited not to have to walk down to Pike Place to get shellfish! Add a bakery please a bakery!
i think there’s a big difference to comparing a butcher shop who offers: beef, pork, lamb, chicken plus charcutiere to a shop selling just bi-valves. even the cheese shop offers more than just a few kinds of cheese.
personally, i love moules frites, pork & clam stew and oysters on the half shell, but i’m more likely to eat them at sitka & spruce or terra plata than haul them home to try to clean and/or shuck. but, i’m willing to be proven wrong and wish taylor shellfish the best of luck.
I agree with zeeb; I’m skeptical about the viability of a shellfish retail shop on the hill. I’m curious what the price difference will be between this spot and PPM, if any. Will the well-funded foodies keep this place afloat? I guess it could serve as a more visible face for Taylor, which is good for them.