December’s Capitol Hill art walk ( should be a festive event with the Hill’s merchants be-decked in holiday splendor and all sorts of art — and arty gifts — on display across Capitol Hill. You can also get an early start on your Pike n’ Pine holiday shopping. We’ll let you discuss the artistic merit on your own but it is our pleasure to report that, for many, it’s the most wonderful time of the year as Santa’s sexy firefighters return to Babeland:
We are hosting our annual Sexy SantaNight here in the Seattle store this Thursday, in conjunction with the Capitol Hill Arts Walk. This will be our fourth year hosting this event, and it is one of the most fun events we do all year at the store. At first, it was just a festive evening for shopping, eating homemade cookies and eggnog, hanging out with some sexy Santas (fun, right!), and getting sex toy gifts from Babeland. What could be better than sweet treats, sexy people inviting you to sit on their lap and tell them how naughty you’ve been (oh, and free sex toys!)?
You can get a map and find out more about the shows on display across the Hill at Here are a few CHS-style highlights:
- VIVARIUM: Dixie Darling & Stephanie Tomczak at Ghost Gallery: “An original Jewelry installation by Seattle designers Dixie Darling and Stephanie Tomczak! Gorgeous, one of a kind pieces installed “Vivarium” style in the main galleries.”
- Cafe PettiRoso craft show: “Cafe PettiRosso is hosting a holiday art and craft sale featuring gifts and handmade items by locals. Lamps, cards, hand knit hats, recycled blank books, jewelery, cookies and candy, and more! Free drip coffee or tea with craft purchase. During the Capitol Hill Art Walk!”
- Art Walk Sock Drive for Teen Feed: “ARIA Salon is hosting an evening of new paintings by Chris Collins and a sock drive for the homeless youth agency TEEN FEED during the It’s Blitz Capitol Hill Art walk on December 9th from 5-8pm. In these especially cold and wet winter months Teen Feed is in constant need for new socks to distribute to homeless youth at their 7 night a week meal program. We are asking for donations of new socks in exchange for a lovely evening with us where we will be providing lots of holiday cheer and baked goods. We will also be raffling off salon services and a painting from the show for those who donate.”
- Nativity at Capitol Hill Presbyterian: “a curated group show featuring a dozen artists, poets and composers reflecting on birth, being and becoming – is a Capitol Hill Arts Walk venue. If you want to make an evening of it and connect with others to see the other local artistic sites, this is a great place to meet up. We’ll have walking maps available. Plus hot beverages and a chill soundtrack to make you want to hang out here all evening.”
Also on the docket tonight:
We’re having our big grand opening bash this Thursday 12/9/10!! Come join us for food and drink specials and check our our Butterfly Lounge. Fun starts at 7pm, but specials run ALL DAY!
We gave you a first look at the new 11th Ave hangout here.
Have a favorite on tonight’s list? Let us know in comments.