In what was once the home of a Hollywood Video on Broadway, you can today visit an exhibit on ‘psychiatric human rights violations’ set up by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a self-proclaimed spin-off of the Church of Scientology. But you had better be fast, the exhibit is another in a string of temporary commercial uses for the Broadway retail space that has sat empty since the big chain video store abruptly pulled out a year ago this month.
The exhibit will close down and pack up on Wednesday, November 3rd at 8 PM.
According to Steve Pearce, director of the CCHR, the group has no plans for a permanent stay on Broadway. The relatively prominent space was simply available for the right price to host his group’s exhibition through its two-week run. The space directly across the street from the light rail construction pit and next door to Dick’s Drive-in has also hosted rummage and antique sales in the past year while it remains on the market for a potential tenant.
Meanwhile, not far down Broadway, another big chain video store is experiencing rough times financially as the Blockbuster chain has declared bankruptcy and may be contemplating shuttering more stores soon.
I have been handed their fliers three times now. Their name rang a bell with me so I asked the guy straight up if this was a Scientology thing, and he flat out denied it. Are they actually ashamed of the association? Does it reflect poorly on the “Citizen’s Commission” that they are associated with the science-fiction religion? Or does it reflect poorly on Scientology that their founder was a paranoid mentally ill man who was afraid of Psychiatrists?
If they weren’t ashamed, they wouldn’t hide the connection.
Are you kidding me?!?
The “Church” of Scientology has no interest in human rights at all. Their focus is on draining people’s bank accounts by means of blackmail, extortion, brainwashing, kidnapping, murder, etc.
We don’t want them in our neighborhood.
It always amazes me how Capitol Hill with its claims to being open and diverse is filled with so many intolerant people.
“It always amazes me how Capitol Hill with its claims to being open and diverse is filled with so many intolerant people. “
So many intolerant people? This church should be honest about who they are, instead of hiding behind one of their many shell organizations. And the church’s intolerance of people in the mental health profession is well documented. For the record, I have seen nobody picketing these guys, and their church has staged some very high profile public actions against their critics.
@cap. So you’d like the neighborhood to be “open and diverse” to blackmail, extortion, brainwashing, kidnapping and murder?
I’m with cap on this one. It doesn’t matter if the mormon church wanted to set up an exhibit on curing homosexuality. Our response should be to smile knowingly, and welcome whichever misguided people to try their luck on the hill. Sure it’s annoying to have a group papering the hill with their weird pseudo-science. But Isn’t tolerance one of the greatest things about the hill?
“It always amazes me how Capitol Hill with its claims to being open and diverse is filled with so many intolerant people. “
As an additional humorous parallel: I remember going to the pride parades when they were on Broadway, and there would always be fundamentalist right wing Christians there holding their signs condemning all the out-and-proud parade goers to hell. Predictably, they would be mocked, and just as predictably, they would moan about how “open and diverse Capitol Hill was full of so many intolerant people”.
@cap “Open and diverse” eh? Well, if this CCHR place wants to live in an “open and diverse” community, they could start by not being shady about their association with Scientology.
I can completely understand though. If they were up front about it, NOBODY would talk to them. All legitimate organizations have decietful indoctrination arms, right?
The ugly truth about scientology.
Tolerance of evil is no virtue.
Of all days to complain that organizations should be open and honest about who they are and that legitimate organizations are not deceitful you choose Election Day. Every day you are bombarded with political ads from unknown and deceitful organizations on both sides of the political spectrum.
Just because other groups are intolerant in your view, doesn’t mean you need to be intolerant as well.
Hopefully this will be my last word on the subject. Honestly, at this point, these guys haven’t made much of a splash on the hill, and good-riddance when they go.
BUT: As a gay man (in the mental health profession), it pisses me off to no end when an organization who has practiced deceit and intolerance tries to hide behind an argument for tolerance and inclusion.
I make no apologies for “being intolerant” of those who would deny me what others accept as basic human rights, and more topically, choose to speak on subjects (such as mental health) that they are utterly unqualified to even have much of an opinion.
As a gay man, I am ambivalent about Scientology, since I really don’t know where they stand on gay rights. I know where fundamentalist Christianity stands on the matter, so my wrath there is directed apologetically towards them. However I am familiar with the uneducated, ill informed rants that come out of Scientology talking heads (see: Tom Cruise) and as a professional, I offer them no quarter.
So don’t ask me to show tolerance to people who don’t return the favor.
You’re saying we should be tolerant of their inhumane and illegal activities in the guise of being open and diverse?
There’s a huge difference between tolerance of differing beliefs and ideals and tolerating actions that nearly every society on earth considers evil. And before you start debating about the definition of evil, remember that we’re talking about actions like murder and kidnapping, not race, orientation or even religion.
Oh, I forgot, you are the same people that can’t handle Starbucks using different names for two of their stores.
Sounds like you have every reason to be more tolerant. Lead from the front!
Hey guys! Tolerate evil masquearding as righteousness! Tolerate evil that exploits the very boundaries of tolerance!
Fuck off Scientology. Go hide in a volcano.
You sound more stupid than intolerant. A spellchecker should help with that though a little.
Be careful, if you go to the exhibit for a laugh don’t give them your real name or address. They will send you junk mail forever. They will never take your name off of their mailing list, ever. Even if you move they will find your new address, and start sending you more junk.
They can never stop sending you junk mail. Scientology is a very statistically driven organization. Scientology staff members are punisher if their statistics don’t increase each week. They call it being “down stat”. It is a crime to be down stat in Scientology. If you are down stat that means you’re “out ethics” (you’ve done something bad!), or you have “withholds” and you need to confess your “crimes” to the group.
That is why they’ll never take you off their mailing list. It would cause them to be down stat, and they are punished for that.
is being monitored. Good luck all.
And there we have it, ladies and gents!
The first scientologist to defend the mother ship to the thread! A short 4 hours from article post to first apologist post!
Oh, I don’t doubt that at all.
“ENEMY SP Order. Fair game. May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.” – L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 18 October 1967 [SP = Suppressive Person a.k.a. critic of Scientology]
“When somebody enrols, consider he or she has joined up for the duration of the universe – never permit an ‘open-minded’ approach… If they enrolled, they’re aboard, and if they’re aboard they’re here on the same terms as the rest of us – win or die in the attempt. Never let them be half minded about being Scientologists… When Mrs. Pattycake comes to us to be taught, turn that wandering doubt in her eye into a fixed, dedicated glare. The proper instruction attitude is, ‘We’d rather have you dead than incapable.'” – L. Ron Hubbard, KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING, 7 February 1965, reissued 27 August 1980
“Now we say there’s, well, another place in the world-there’s India. Wonderful place – except for its people.” – L. Ron Hubbard, “The Control of Hysteria” (lecture), 15 April 1957
“They smell of all the baths they didn’t take. The trouble with China is, there are too many chinks here. ” – L. Ron Hubbard, personal journal, 1928
“Don’t break your back scrubbing floors. Get yourself a nigger, that’s what they were born for.” – L. Ron Hubbard, in a letter to his 2nd wife
And there we have it, another idiot named cap-ap.
Don’t be so stupid and assume anything. I don’t have a religion and I have no affiliation with scientology. I also haven’t defended it which you could see if you had the ability to read.
My posts have been about tolerance…
The Scientology Office of Special Affairs have agents patrolling the internet
and “handling”, in Scientology parlance, “entheta” or negative but truthful information. Sometimes they preface their comments with “I’m not a Scientologist but ….” to try and appear as an “everyman”. These OSA types seem addicted to lying and dishonesty, just follow them online for awhile, how could anyone expect anything truthful from this organization?
All religion is odd to me. Scientology and their aliens don’t seem like any more of reach than a virgin birth. I’m just sayin…
“tolerate me. defend me. word clear my posts!”
Say what you want about religion, but there’s a difference between a religion and a cult.
Cults should not be given the same tolerance as religions.
“Scientology…is not a religion.” – L. Ron Hubbard, CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY, 1954, p. 251
cap can probably “cure” you and get you a beard, just like his organization has done for Cruise and Travolta.
Since you are quoting L. Ron Hubbard, do you believe everything he says or just the quotes that support your arguments?
Noone cares how odd their “religion” is, it’s the extremely agressive way it seeks to handle it’s critics, it’s robbing people of their lives savings, cajoling them into taking out loans for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Scientology training tends to turn people into compulsive liars, I’m not aware of any religion that says it’s okay to lie.
Of course I don’t believe everything he says. I’d be defending scientology if I did.
Looking at what scientology’s creator has said is a pretty big indicator of what it’s about. His words are gospel to his followers. Would you suggest someone not look at what Jesus, Mohammed, Siddhartha Gautama, Lao Tzu, have said when considering the religions they are connected with? (Yes, I realize that I just compared scientology with actual religions, but it was merely for the point I’m making)
If you have information that contradicts the quotes I have been posting, then please use it. If you do not, then your suggestions of my cherry picking are nothing but trolling. If you want to debate, then please bring something other than accusatory questions.
You don’t get to set the parameters of a debate.
We can make this easy. I’ll use your comments to contradict your comments. You just compared scientology to religion.
Before you use the troll card, consider your own actions.
Ok, if that’s too confusing for you to see that I’m just using people’s words that are foundations for their followers I’ll give another example:
Looking at what scientology’s creator has said is a pretty big indicator of what it’s about. His words are gospel to his followers. Would you suggest someone not look at what Jim Jones, Sun Myung Moon, Charles Manson, Aum Shinrikyo, or even Fred Phelps have said when considering the cults they are connected with?
I agree with CH-BG! I went to that “Citizens Commission on Human Rights” bullshit and I was APPLAUDED at some, no, MOST of the fucked up shit I saw. I mean seriously, there was a booklet the size of a magazine titled “Psychiatry: Destroy Religion”. How dare these people trash a practice that has been so vital to modern science and civilization? How dare they reject science? They [Scientologists] are such fucking fools. Science is why our world and our quality of life has vastly improved over such a short amount of time. You take advantage of science all the time: your computer, your health, electricity, the foods we buy from stores, the elaborate (and ridiculous) exhibit they did, etc. Science, it’s all we got. You don’t respect science; I don’t respect you. END OF STORY. I don’t give a shit how “intolerant” you think I am, because you’re probably right, I DO NOT tolerate ignorant fools. So what? It’s common sense; Reject the ignorance and maybe the ignorant will see that the better of society will not, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, let them SHIT on everything mankind has worked long and hard for.
Pshh, the nerve of some people.
*APPALLED, I meant.
1. I’m at a loss to understand the assertion stated by several people here that CCHR attempts to hide it’s affiliation with the Church of Scientology. I know otherwise. A) Go to and what do you see at the top of the page? a CCHR logo and link amongst the social betterment sites,..the affiliation is NOT hidden. B) Go to and click on “About Us”…you’ll find a paragraph explaining the origins of CCHR which includes this: “CCHR was co-founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus Dr. Thomas Szasz at a time when patients were being warehoused in institutions and stripped of all constitutional, civil and human rights.”
2. Everyone reading these comments should know that there are agenda driven posters who are clearly against anti-pyschotropic and child drugging efforts. Do they think CCHR is alone in this? There are many, many 3rd parties decrying the dangers of Psychotropic drugging. What about this? Or this? Or this?
I could go on and on…
I for one, given the facts available to me from MANY anti-pyshcotropic drug advocates, not just CCHR appreciate the watch dog and checks and balances role they play in protecting people from gratuitous psychotropic drugging.
I would ask the cynics and critics here to list what THEY are doing to protect people from pointless psychotropic drugging. What are THEIR efforts? How much time are THEY spending defending others?
My first contact with CCHR in any form was the fat guy at the Broadway exhibit. When I asked about a Scientology affiliation, he denied it, then admitted that they were a financial backer, but repeatedly denied the church’s direct involvement with his organization, and kept saying “Look around you! Do you see anything that says Scientology?”
I looked them up when I got home and found out the organization was started by the church in 1969. I wish I’d known that going in.
Oh, and it seems like a good way to prevent psychotropic drug prescription abuses would be to work to reform prescription practices and back Big Pharma the hell out of the process .. not to campaign for the end of psychiatry in toto, as the CCHR seems to want. Did you ask them what they suggest should take the place of psychiatry? Fresh air, a healthy diet, and exercise.
Maybe you are confused. One post you compare it to a religion and the next post you compare it to a cult.
Thanks for posting that CCHR is on Broadway. CCHR is the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. We are a non-profit organization and we are mental health watchdog. The answer to the question on who sponsors this exhibit here on Broadway is CCHR Seattle.
If you want to know how CCHR came into existence we were founded by Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz and the Church of Scientology. This is in all our publications and is not “hidden”.
For those who somehow are “concerned” about the content of the exhibit, the materials and videos are completely dedicated to the subject of psychiatry and mental health. A long list of professionals across the US and the World discuss their observations of psychiatry and mental health today and are quoted in our materials.
Human rights abuses occur in the field of mental health every day – hence the need to expose these abuses to the population at large, and urge the eradication of the cause of those abuses.
Psychiatry is the issue of the exhibit and CCHR.
Thank you,
Steven Pearce, Director
CCHR Seattle
By all means, folks, read what you can about CCHR. Grab their handouts and read ’em through. And there’s a lot of good information online about them … like this gem from Wikipedia about the “introspection rundown”, which Hubbard suggested would take the place of psychiatry.
“The first step of the rundown is “isolate the person wholly with all attendants completely muzzled (no speech).” Auditing sessions are given frequently, otherwise the person is not spoken to.
“When it is obvious the person is out of his psychosis and up to the responsibility of living with others his isolation is ended.” To determine the end of isolation the supervisor in charge case of the person being isolated tests the person’s condition by writing a note, such as “Dear Joe. What can you guarantee me if you are let out of isolation?” If Joe’s answer shows continued irresponsibility, the supervisor must write back something along the lines of, “Dear Joe. I’m sorry but it is no go on coming out of isolation yet,” including the reasons of why not. When it is obvious the person is out of his psychosis and up to the responsibility of living with others his isolation is ended.
I might be considered evil for siding with those bad old psychiatrists, but putting a person who’s suffering through a psychotic break through this kind of torment seems like a more hands-on form of abuse than overprescribing psych meds.
The debate is on CCHR and on psychiatry.
It is amazing to me that there is very little attention being paid to the actual issues, which are human rights abuses by psychiatry.
Forced drugging, involuntary holding for psychiatric evaluation, incarceration at psych hospitals, inhumane treatment at the hands of psychiatrists and toxic drugs which destroy the individual, quality of life, and shortened lives.
I know that drug company lobbyists use as a tactic diverting attention off of psychiatric abuses by raising the issue of Scientology, and I see that this tactic is being used in this thread.
It would be nice to actually discuss toxic psychiatry. CCHR did not invent toxic psychiatry, nor did Scientology.
Steven Pearce, Director
CCHR Seattle
CCHR Mailing list is optional if you would like. We apply standard requests to be asked off. Please get on topic and discuss CCHR on Broadway.
Psychiatrists create the labels and drive the prescription process and then the drug companies flood doctors with their ideals on which drugs to use.
Psychiatric labels are voted into existence. Right now psychiatry is working on their next catalog of disorders.
Psychiatric labels bring about prescriptions for drugs. How can you reform prescription without changing labels and thus the psychiatrist that create them?
Steven Pearce, Director
CCHR Seattle
” I’m at a loss to understand the assertion stated by several people here that CCHR attempts to hide it’s affiliation”
Scientologists are never truthful about anything, Scientology produces compulsive liars who seem to love being shady. But you’re not a Scientologist though right, just someone who accidentally stubled upon this article?
“I am not a Scientologist”
Well, cap, the folks at CCHR have said the exact same thing. But they also seem to employ the very same confused and tortured application of logic that you do. Most people have enough going on upstairs to realize that when Scoville was using the L Ron quote, he wasn’t attempting to compare Scientology to a religion.
Then again, you people do prey on the weak and easily confused, so I guess it only makes sense.
And another thing – just because I tolerate something doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to question it. Just the opposite, actually.
You’re so completely deluded.
Scientology isn’t a religion, it’s a pyramid scheme. A deceitful, violent, blatantly dishonest scam.
Nobody (well, scarcely nobody) on the hill is intolerant of other people’s religious beliefs. Thank God they’re intolerant of lying murderers.
Steven Pearce – “It is amazing to me that there is very little attention being paid to the actual issues, which are human rights abuses by psychiatry. “
It doesn’t amaze you Steven Pearce. Anybody with a search engine can see that you have been assigned to “Anti-Psychiatry” duty for at least 5 years, and it all follows a pattern:
1. Someone like you making uneducated rants parroting L Ron Hubbard against “the evils of psychiatry” conveniently ignoring the much greater “evils of the Scientology alternative”
2. A few throw away “I am not a scientologist but I magically agree with everything they say” identities chime in saying, oh, everything Steve says is SO TRUE.
3. I few actually educated mental health professionals try to explain what ACTUAL SCIENCE is, and how it differs from the science-fiction that you are peddling. They will usually try to explain concepts like the scientific method to you and your drones, but since scientific method runs contrary to your “Source” L Ron Hubbard, it is against your religion to accept it.
4. And of course, sprinkled in, there will be a fair number of people who have been mentaly scarred by your bullshit church, trying to warn others not to get involved.
Funny you would call yourself “youmissthepoint” when you have so much trouble reading. I never classified Scientology as anything.
I only make a commment about tolerance.
So full of yourself. My screenname isn’t in response to your lack of insight. I use this screenname many places.
Steven, you understand scientific method, right? Phenomena are observed and described, and taxonomies are created to describe them. The DSM IV is a taxonomy of observed psychiatric phenomena. People with mental illnesses seem to have them in certain patterns. Those patterns are described and given a name. The APA doesn’t just sit down and make these things up in order to push more pills at them.
Psychiatry is evolving and reforming all the time. For example, read up on how ECT is being administered these days, compared on how it used to be. (I still don’t like it myself, but it seems to work for people.) Further reform is needed to keep prescription happy psych workers from giving overdoses to kids or whoever, but that’s an issue that can be resolved without throwing the entire practice of psychiatry away and replacing it with mens corpora in sano.
I understand you miss the point in many places. You didn’t need to state that more than once.
it’s a front group.
Fuck, Scientologists belive gays are “tone zero”, aka inhuman, and can be killed without mercy. These fuckers have to go away, they are loathsome and dangerous trash.
“It always amazes me how Capitol Hill with its claims to being open and diverse is filled with so many intolerant people. “
Fuck off, we’re not tolerant of dangerous cults. We’re annoyed by the misogynistic charismatics of Mars Hill, but scientology is a fascist organization, literally bent on enslaving anyone who refuses to convert if they get into power. They deserve no respite.
“It is amazing to me that there is very little attention being paid to the actual issues, which are human rights abuses by psychiatry. “
There is far too little attention paid to the human rights abuses of Scientology.
Maybe one day when you get RPFed for using Squirrel Tech, you’ll understand.
One of the only shills that Scientology was able to buy in the NYC area was a guy named Hiram Monserrate, he was a New York State Senator until he was slashed his girlfriend’s face with a broken glass,
Scientology controversy
The Councilman supported the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project,[3] a project co-founded by Tom Cruise to deliver the Purification Rundown (an alternative “detoxification” procedure created by L. Ron Hubbard as part of Scientology) to treat rescue workers affected by the September 11 attacks.[9] Monserrate went through the program himself, and drafted official proclamations honoring both Cruise and Hubbard.[9][10][11][12] He also attended a fund-raising dinner in New York for the project,[13][14] as well as an event at the Scientology Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles.[15] He describes himself as “a Christian, who was raised Evangelical Christian” and denies any belief in Scientology, arguing that it is unconnected to the rundown.[16] He dismissed medical authorities’ criticism of the rundown, saying, “This is the same type of thing they said about chiropractors twenty years ago.”[16]
LOL, it’s not only psychiatrists, the whole medical field is wrong, Scientology has all the answers for everything, now how much do you have in your bank account?
“When I asked about a Scientology affiliation, he denied it, then admitted that they were a financial backer, but repeatedly denied the church’s direct involvement with his organization, and kept saying “Look around you! Do you see anything that says Scientology?””
What creepy scumbags. CCHR is Scientology under a not so clever name. Szasz isn’t running it, the COS has exclusive control.
“Human rights abuses occur in the field of mental health every day – hence the need to expose these abuses to the population at large, and urge the eradication of the cause of those abuses.
Psychiatry is the issue of the exhibit and CCHR.”
This reminds me of “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”
Psychology IS terrible oft times and very imperfect.
Scientology (the CCHR) wants to rip out all of the foundations and good, and replace it with something worse.
It is not agnostic. Its goal is to implant Scientology in every school, in every medical establishment, in every government.
Scientology have control over Matter Energy Space and Time (MEST) yet, the Clears seem to commit domestic violence, murder, do drugs, and lose mental control just as much as the rest of us. Funny, that.
Also, get those fucking homophobic bigots off Broadway. Stay away from these creeps, gays. They hate you.
“Maybe you are confused. One post you compare it to a religion and the next post you compare it to a cult.”
They’re not mutually exclusive, Scientologist. Many cults wrap themselves in the guise of religion, or mimic established faiths to engender good will and leech off the good will of the other faiths.
Scientology is “practiced” as a religion when it wants tax benefits, it is practiced as a for-profit “tech” when they want to infiltrate public schools and governments wary of church-state.
“CCHR Mailing list is optional if you would like. We apply standard requests to be asked off.”
It isn’t possible, you’d be downstat. Stop lying. My mother is a postal employee, and she sees you guys delivering mail to long-deceased people, some ten years after they’ve lived there and the new inhabitants yell at her and the COS to stop delivering this crap to them.
from personal experience….you will never be off their mailing list. You will simply be added to all their other front organization mailing lists, eg Narconon, etc etc
They don’t care about human rights, they care about recruiting people into scientology.
“Forced drugging” by the psychs?
How about the forced abortions on Sea Org members?