Here’s the latest from the bars and restaurants of Capitol Hill. Have a tip? Drop it in the can at [email protected]
The partners behind Capitol Hill’s shuttered Huiyona restaurant will launch a new venture — in the same 10th Ave East location — whenPau Hana opens for business Tuesday night. The news comes in via a comment on our post first noting that the Huiyona space was about to be reactivated:
Tomorrow at 4PM (11/16) you can have a taste of Hawaii. Pau Hana is open for dinner. The choices are mouthwatering. Mahalo
We haven’t learned much about what went on behind the scenes as the Huiyona concept was folded but the same partners are paired on this project as Mark Apuyan and Huiyon Chong are working together on Pau Hana.CORRECTION: Boy did we flub this one. We misunderstood a September assumption of liquor license filing with the state. Thanks to the comment below for pointing out our error. Here is the company behind the new restaurant:
This might make it easier to get in touch with somebody more eager to talk about the new joint, too. CHS regrets the error.No details on hours or the menu yet but they do have a Facebook page at Its bio, we assume, belong to Apuyan:
“Two times local” = Born/raised in Seattle. Hawaiian roots/family – Oahu.
Attended St. George and Assumption Elementary Schools.
Attended O’Dea High School and Seattle University.
Owner, Pau Hana Restaurant and Bar, Capitol Hill – Seattle.Pau Hana is located at 2355 1/2 10th Ave East.
- Reminder that, next door, Easy Joe’s Diner is up and running in the old Tidbit Bistro Space.
- December 12th is the date for a special white truffle dinner at East Union’s Marjorie after a reschedule the restaurant says was caused by delays procuring the expensive ingredient. How expensive? Dinner costs $175. Per person.
- Note to Capitol Hill restaurants and bars. We mean you no ill will. If you’re trying to sell your business and you make information available, the word is going to get out. Talk with your employees early and often. Easy for us to say, no?
- Happy 1st birthday to CHS advertiser Po Dog. The celebrated Sunday by handing out hot dogs for $1.
- Cafe Metropolitain has left East Olive Way. CC Attle’s has been telling fans it hoped to be moved into its new home by the end of the month.
- Nagle Place karaoke fantasyland Rock Box is pushing to be open by the first week of December. You can get updates on their Facebook page. You can also weigh in on important things like song selections. We wrote about what Rock Box has in store here.
- Others pushing toward openings in coming weeks: Varro Cafe and Eltana Bagels in the Packard Building on 12th Ave. Oola Distillery on East Union? No word on status there.
- Also on 12th Ave in the Trace Lofts building, High 5 Pie is coming together but no firm opening date set yet. You can, however, order your Thanksgiving pie from them through Monday at High 5 is a CHS advertiser.
- More pie. First Hill’s Sugar Barkery is adorable and well worth a walk down or up or around Madison. They also are having a Thanksgiving pie sale.
Yummm. Unicorn burger. East Pike’s Unicorn bar is proud of their new hamburger menu. We’re told the creations are an homage to the still-legendary In’N’Out burger offerings. Picture via @zombielolita
- Balance to any unicorn you consume. Smith and Oddfellows are starting a new Meatless Monday promotion. Begins 11/29.
- In the wake of the state liquor board causing a flap over porn at the Eagle, a group is looking at creating a “Nightlife Legal Defense Fund”
Could Seattle use a 501c3 “Nightlife Legal Defense Fund” to help protect our nightclub owners, managers, and workers from these continued lame (dare I say “family-values-induced”? / dare I say homophobic?) attacks on Seattle’s rights to party??
Video artwork continues to evolve, and will push and blur the boundaries between “pornography” and “artwork”….
– can video artwork projections played in bars/clubs include men’s nipples? women’s?
– how much of the nipple needs to be blurred out- just the tip or the entire areola?
– does showing pubic hair depend on where it’s growing?
– exactly what parts between the base of a man’s penis + his body can be shown?
– what about the area between a man’s ball’s + his rectum?
– can any of this be shown if put through a number of filters/etc?
– are there any time considerations (i.e. nipple can be shown but only for a maximum of 2 seconds out of every 30 second intervals)?
– what about stop-motion imagery -vs- video?
We realize this quickly becomes a very subjective matter, especially since the line will continue to blur, especially when “porn” is edited to the point beyond clear recognition.
Working Media would like to know specifically what the laws are for Washington State, especially since it appears as though the laws are being un-evenly applied between different bars/clubs in King County. Working Media has submitted an official inquiry to the Washington State Attorney General’s Office and will post their reply when received.
…Any thoughts from Seattle’s “straight but not narrow” nightlife aficionado neighbors??
- Secret Service now says Capitol Hill credit and bank card breach appears to involve only one restaurant.
You may say you mean no ill will, but, your gleeful reporting about someones heartbreak is just awful.
I take real exception to your comment. There is nothing gleeful in the reporting.
Are there any meat options on Monday?
Can’t pick and choose b/c feelings may be hurt.
Does the word meat rack ring a bell?
Every Monday is sure possible.
Truffles at 175.OO – and I thought Po Dog was too expensive. I hope some of the 175.00 goes to feed the hungry – they do exist in Seattle.
(take a turkey to the Mission, they will be delighted, they feed hundreds next week)
the regular menu will still be available, meatless monday is going to offer a 3 course veggie meal on the special board at smith.
Pau Hana is not a new venture from the owners of Huiyona, it is a new and exciting restaurant from 2 of the nicest people that you’ll ever meet, Peter and Bruce, who will cook you up some authentic Hawaiian cuisine.
Po Dog isn’t expensive at all.
And it’s fun to try different menus at restaurants. If you can’t swing a $175 menu, no worries. Marjorie has so many great things; you’ll find something there.
And while it’s sad to see homeless people, homeless people are not entitled to every (or any) dollar anyone makes. They, too, can feel free to get a job and make an income so they can spend it on the truffle menu at Marjorie if they want.
Thanks to the note. I misread a liquor application from a few months back and have corrected the post. No wonder the guys from the previous restaurant weren’t returning my messages. I hope to be able to more easily track down the new owners now. #embarrassing
Slow down CHS. You also made the incorrect assumption that the people behind Rex were the “Olson -Pardo empire”. Dangerous reporting.
Thanks for the advice. Chris Pardo is also part of the corporation behind Rex. No assumption there.
In this situation, it’s not unusual for us not to hear back from small restaurants. I had a document with good information. I made a mistake in interpreting it. When I read it in September. And again when I looked at it in October. And again in November. Speed wasn’t the issue.
Aloha! We WILL be opening this evening (Tuesday, 11/16) at 4pm for dinner. **No Liquor license yet–any day now though!! Our regular hours will be Sunday 9am to midnight, Monday through thursday 11am to midnight, Friday 11am to 2am, and Saturday 9am to 2am. For any additional info, please feel free to email us at [email protected]. Thanks much, and ALOHA!!
Pau Hana,
We would love to come for dinner tonight but we just got back to Lahaina from Hana. Welcome to the neighborhood and we will stop in when we return for some Plate Lunch.
It doesn’t take much legwork to figure out if a place is for sale or not. To the owners who are salty, you’re in the process of selling something, don’t you want the most people out there to know it’s for sale?
There’s no insider club of potential restaurant owners sitting around waiting for the news to come across their ticker window who vow to keep it secret from everyone.
Also, who says it’s heartbreak? I see the prices some of these heartbroken owners want for their restaurants, maybe the cash is to ease the pain? Enough already. Business is business! Sell or keep it, but dont cry when the word hits the street!
Remember, this is America, EVERYTHING is for sale!
Pau Hana apparently updated their website… More information including the menu. Was looking forward to trying this place out.
I think truffles are the most over-rated food on the planet. They have a funky smell and the taste is very “subtle,” to say the least. In my opinion, their main market is for those who have a need to show off how much money they have.
About your mention of First Hill’s “Sugar Barkery,” is that a bakery for dogs? (lol).