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CHS Pics: Capitol Hill #snomg Thanksgiving week 2010 instant nostalgia

, originally uploaded by Lauren Max.

Hey, remember that time when it was really cold and they thought it might snow and then they thought it wouldn’t and then it did? That was cool. Thanks to all the CHS shutter (snow) bugs for these great #snOMG shots in the CHS flickr pool. I see shots here from one end of the Hill to the other.

Slow Going on Interstate 5
, originally uploaded by sea turtle.


, originally uploaded by m33gs.



the-street, originally uploaded by stacymariedavis.


, originally uploaded by ettmanm.


, originally uploaded by ettmanm.


Snow on the Hill.
, originally uploaded by Lisa Randolph.


, originally uploaded by agusus99.


, originally uploaded by agusus99.


IMG_1485, originally uploaded by agusus99.


Olive + Melrose
, originally uploaded by agusus99.


21st & E. Thomas- I, originally uploaded by prima seadiva.


Olive Way, originally uploaded by a_ahlstrom.


Thomas and Broadway
, originally uploaded by a_ahlstrom.


, originally uploaded by a_ahlstrom.


Nom Nom Nom, originally uploaded by ERIK98122.
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