If you are a parent or soon to be one & live on Capitol Hill, consider joining the neighborhood parenting yahoo group. Some of us are currently scheduling some play dates and meetups–especially for those with younger children who want their children to begin developing friendships with others in their neighborhood.
Once you’ve joined, you can look for my profile and email me to get more info about meetups!
CHS would be happy to support continued growth of the group! We’ll bring some more attention this way to help :)
We take care of our 18 month old granddaughter m-f in Capital Hill and would be interested in play groups or play dates. We’re close to Cal Anderson Park. Thanks!
STORYTIME with the RAT CITY ROLLERGIRLS! Added to November
Saturday, November 24th at 3 p.m.
Rollergirls may be tough, but in their quieter moments, they love to kick back with a good book. Take a break from turkey leftovers, holiday shopping, and visiting relatives to spend story time with the Rat City Rollergirls the Elliott Bay Book Company this afternoon at 3 p.m. The Rollergirls will appear in full roller gear from helmet to roller skates and read some of their favorite children’s books. They’re ready with high-fives for fans of roller derby and reading, old and young.