We’re told that the artist creating a mural of Capitol Hill icon Slats using 7,000 beer bottle caps on the Sound Transit light rail construction wall needs your help. And by help, we mean your beer bottle caps. And by beer bottle caps we mean the more interesting, colorful and exotic the beer caps, the better.
You can drop your caps off at Rosebud from now until around September 20th — depends on how many caps artist Cameron Larson can collect. Rosebud is open 11 AM until late on weekdays and 10 AM on the weekend. Also, if anybody wants to work with one of the bars in Pike/Pine to collect caps from a place where Slats hung out, drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll hook you up with Larson. If that doesn’t scare up enough caps, we’ll have a CHS beer-a-thon or something.
I have been living on the hill for 10 years and saw Flats near daily. I think this is a rad project. I have a massive drawer full of good times and caps that I’m bringing to Cameron today. Hope this gets into the actualy Sound Transit project in the future.
yes please
Totally rad.
Community art to the max.
Three cheers to the artist.