Plainly put, Halloween is Capitol Hill’s Christmas. So three cheers for those power brokers over at the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce for putting some (sharp and pointy) teeth into the holiday’s 2010 weekend celebration with events for the young and the young at heart to add to the general mayhem that is Broadway, Pike/Pine and beyond on Halloween. The Chamber’s Michael Wells tells CHS that his organization’s Broadway Improvement Association has arranged funding from Sound Transit’s business mitigation budget and is planning not one but two new events to add to the Hill’s Halloween revelry.
the alley watchers
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“I want to build this event every year so it becomes a signature event for Broadway,” Wells said.
First, on Saturday, October 30, the Chamber will host the Procession of Lost Souls parade which will start at Seattle Central and march to Broadway’s very own haunted un-rented retail space (the horror!) in the Joule Apartments. This one is for the grown-ups. Untold freakiness will await inside Blood Manor as prizes are awarded for the best costumes and unemployed actors leap at you wearing really scary masks that make you scream. No, I mean really scary. Like not funny scary. Like, how was I supposed to know if you were really a zombie or something scary. Blood Manor, we’re told, will be open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Boo.
Meanwhile, Wells says that Three Dollar Bill Cinema is also arranging to show old, black and white horror movies in various Broadway storefronts at night around Halloween.
For the wee, Sunday’s event moves to Cal Anderson Park for a Halloween kids parade. The Creep and Crawl will start at 3 PM on Halloween and give the little ones a chance to show off their homemade Ira Glass-Boba Fett mash-up costumes for the crowd. We’re talking entertainment. Kids in costumes. Candy at Broadway merchants. Pumpkin carving at the farmers market. Zero breasts. No dead bodies. Jseattle says check it out.
Add existing traditions like the annual Broadway Grill costume contest, Babeland’s naughty jack-o-lantern contest and the hordes of families that descend on northern Capitol Hill’s leaf-strewn streets for trick-or-treating, and you have the makings of a pretty decent Halloween celebration. Meanwhile, the ZomBcon will make its debut in Seattle that weekend, too.
Organizers hope the efforts help bring visitors from around the city to the Hill for the weekend’s events and also get more people to visit Broadway’s shops, restaurants and bars. It’s also about doing more to support a celebration the area already has a natural affinity for. “Capitol Hill should own Halloween,” Wells said.
in the meantime, if you’d like to support the Chamber’s efforts, their Spirit of the Hill fundraiser dinner is Monday, October 4th.
Lets get it right.
The O Police
How about something for our pets at Cal Anderson or the dog park by the freeway – they are our wee ones too :)
You have bad grammer
Your Babeland link isn’t working.
Yes, LET’S.
I’m not the grammer(sic) police, i’m the O police. At least I can spell.
I love that Capitol Hill wants to get in on the Halloween fun. This has been sorely lacking in the past and our neighborhood is the natural fit. However, we need to be thinking ahead for our success and make sure that community safety is built in from the start. Don’t forget that San Francisco had to shut down the Castro’s Halloween events when they became too large for the neighborhood and, frankly, too dangerous. Gun shots, stabbings, drunk straight dudes who think it’s ok to harass drag queens or anyone they see fit to target. Hopefully the Chamber can pull off a community event that is both safe AND fun for everyone.
if you choose a size on the pic it will show up
A better link
cap·i·tal (noun):
2. a city regarded as being of special eminence in some field of activity: “New York is the dance capital of the world.”
It’s Halloween year round on Capitol Hill, judging by the “costumes”!
So the kids parade will contain zero breasts? I’m left to assume that the adult events will have breasts. Awesome.
I fear for the natural-fed little wee babies: must they go without??
Any truly good Halloween event is certainly made better by
having psychic readers and I’m one of the best, so e-mail me!