Alarms and smoke pushed residents, guests — and their pets — out of a Summit Ave building Monday night after a dryer reportedly caught fire. Seattle Fire initially responded with more than a dozen units to the reported blaze just before 9 PM but the response was quickly downgraded as the situation was brought under control.
Both lanes of Summit Ave East were closed during the response at the 18-unit Lombardy Court Apartments but were re-opened by 9:45 PM.
The group of residents from the complex gathered on the wet sidewalk as the offending dryer was taken care of. At least two were toting pet carriers. A good reminder to keep a solution close at hand before the next fire alarm event in your building.
We’ll follow up on official damage estimate or confirmation on cause in the morning.
If you’re really in a pinch to get out fast – with the cat – throw fluffy in an empty pillowcase. Obviously, not the best solution, but if your only other option is letting them just run out the front door, this suddenly doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.
There was a fire in the apartment next door to mine about 3 years ago. I had a suitcase on hand and put one of the cats in that. Again, not a perfect solution, but one that works.
Since then, I now have static cling stickers on my windows letting fire fighters know that there are 2 cats living in the building available here:
Also, I went to a pet store after that and I bought 2 cardboard pet carriers that I keep collapsed under my bed. This way I can quickly assemble them and put the cats in there. I must say, when the fire was going on (and I knew it was real, because me and the manager opened the door to the unit to see if anybody was in there, we rescued their dog, the tenants weren’t home) and the smoke was down to our knees. I went back into my unit (sharing a wall) and quickly got my cats in the suitcase and carrier, and I looked around my unit to see what else I should grab. You know what? Nothing else mattered to me. I had my pets, and myself, and that’s all that was important.
So definitely, have a plan. And please, folks, get renters insurance. It is incredibly affordable, and it give you peace of mind in case of emergency.