Two important components of the Capitol Hill community — one apparently thriving, the other struggling financially but hanging in there — are planning events Sunday to celebrate and help rally more support for their efforts.
Capitol Hill Housing is on a roll and with projects like their recent transformation of the Holiday Apartments at 10th and John, it’s not hard to understand their widespread support. Still, the nonprofit developer depends on financial support from the community to continue their work. If you haven’t had an excuse to stop in the new Capitol Hill home of Marjorie on East Union, now you have an even better reason:
Music and cocktail fundraiser to benefit Capitol Hill Housing
Join Capitol Hill Housing Foundation board member Donna Moodie at her restaurant Marjorie on 14th and E Union to support vibrant and engaged communities.
Sunday September 12th from 5-9pm
Stop in or stay for the evening
Live jazz 7-8pm featuring the sultry voice of Darliene Lynn with Paul Fischer on bass
All procedes to benefit Capitol Hill Housing
Marjorie 1412 E Union 206.441.9842
To rsvp please click this link: [email protected]
Also on Sunday, the Capitol Hill Alano Club is celebrating its successful fundraising scramble after a summer of hand-wringing over budget shortfalls.
Here is an update we received from the club regarding their effort to overcome the budget difficulties.
Hello all:
You are one of the many Capitol Hill Alano Club volunteers!
On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for all the service you have done and are doing on behalf of the Alano Club!
Also on behalf of the Board, I wanted to write and thank the volunteers and donors who have made the Alano Club’s Staying Alive Campaign such a wonderful success!
Our goal was to raise $15,000.00 and, currently, the Campaign has raised $26,723.00!
The Capitol Hill Alano Club invites you and the people you worked with on behalf of this Campaign, as well as on behalf of this year’s Bat ‘n Rouge and last year’s Christmas Tree Lot, and the many volunteers who assist with Coffee Kiss/CHAC Snax to a Thank You BBQ at Volunteer Park this Sunday, September 12, from 1 to 5 pm. We will be located by the Rose Garden, next to the Conservatory. Please read the attachment.
The Board hopes that you will join us in a celebration of the Capitol Hill Alano Club!
The Club is alive and moving into a fabulous future because of you!
Yours in service,
Greg M
President, Board of Directors
No time to attend the events in person? You can learn more about the organizations — and how to support their work at and
I wonder if C. Hill housing ever does anything for free?
The PRIDE committee set a nice example of free picnic in Volunteer Park this year. Cost was paid by a sponsor, nice.
Curly, this event for CHH is a fundraiser, which is why their is a cover charge. Here are a few things that CHH has done or sponsored in recent months that were at no cost to community members:
-12th Avenue Festival – there was purposefully no admission charged to this community event so that families and individuals could come and enjoy the music and sunshine without having to purchase anything. Food prices were kept at or under $5 a plate so that is was intentionally affordable.
-PPUNC Party – CHH helped coordinate this open party a couple of months ago for the Pike Pine neighborhood with free food for all to enjoy.
-12th Avenue Stewardship Meetings – CHH helps to put on these open monthly meetings where there is almost always free food and drink for anyone to enjoy.
-Broadway Design Charette – CHH helped co-sponsor this free event last summer (2009) (for the land use and policy wonks in the hood) where there was free food and drink throughout the day for all participants to enjoy. Maybe you even attended?
If you have suggestions for other free community engagement parties or activities, please shoot me an e-mail [email protected], I would love to hear your thoughts!
Cakarokee at the Highline next week is also hosting a fundraiser for Allycat Acres Urban Farming Collective. They are donating all of the money raise from the cake they sell (just $5 a yummy slice). So come and eat some cake, sing some songs and support your local urban farmers. <3
$5.00 cake sounds enticing and hanging out with veggie garden lovers, like more fun than “mixing” at 50.00 – but – to each his own milieu.
Cap. Hill Hou. — how about “Tenants Day” – giant free day, food, games, movie – for all those people who pay you rent and their family and friends.
Sort of a REAL appreciation of the REAL way your world works.
Thanks for the suggestion. We often host BBQs and parties within our communities for tenants. Could we do it more often? Probably, and I will make this suggestion to our management team.