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Joys of running a small biz on the Hill: Video store break-in x2, ugly tag on Baguette

Two tales of caution this Friday for anybody thinking of putting up their shingle to run a small, indie business in the big city.

First, we found a SPD report of a business break-in early Friday morning in the 600 block of E Pine. We knew Third Man Video had been welcomed to the Hill with a break-in back in February. Owner Shane Benson confirmed for us that, yes, his store was again broken into this morning but this time, the damage was much worse. Benson tells CHS that after the February burglary, he spent more than $1,000 adding bars to the store’s doors. The bars didn’t stop this thief, Benson said, telling us the burglar used “a huge ass crowbar” to pull the doors open and enter the store before making off with a couple hundred dollars cash and a stack of Blu-ray discs.

Meanwhile, a bother of another variety for a Capitol Hill business on Madison has the operator thinking creatively about her response. Vanny Him of Madison/15th’s roll-up Baguette says she wouldn’t normally want to draw attention to a hateful tag of her business but that she has plans to turn the vandalism on its head. The big, gold R U VIETNAMESE? tag showed up on Baguette’s roll-up door last week. Him’s answer is, of course, yes. And she’s also planning to take her response one step further. Him says R U VIETNAMESE? Baguette t-shirts are coming soon — along with a big, thick coat of gold paint for her roll-up door.

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14 years ago

haha – good call on the T-Shirts. But if they’re going to run with it, they should just leave the tag there and call it marketing.

14 years ago

totally, they should write or draw their logo underneath it!

that’s a funny tag though, i can’t figure out why someone would do it? or in what state of mind… like, drunkenly walking past baguette with gold spray paint, wondering if the owner is viet. ‘WELL, GUESS I’LL ASK EM IN THE ONLY WAY I CURRENTLY HAVE AT MY DISPOSAL’

14 years ago

I wonder if the owner did it herself? – as a publicity stunt?

14 years ago

It worked!

14 years ago

Seems to only add authenticity to the place. I say leave it.

14 years ago

‘scuse me

14 years ago

Not sure the R U Vietnamese? tag constitutes hate. There’s no threat in asking that question.

14 years ago

We did not do it ourselves. I’m sure the owner of the bldg would kick us out for sure then all of our efforts in the shop would go to waste – pointless. Plus, it’s kind of embarrassing. Re: this not being a hate crime – obv they have a right to ask but does it have to be in that manner? It’s all about the delivery. I am not offended by the comment but try explaining that to my parents.

14 years ago

True, there’s nothing hateful about asking that question in person. Had the questioner wanted to know the answer, wouldn’t he at least include a return address?

14 years ago

What the Crap!!!!

14 years ago

I like the t-shirt idea. It’s such a random tag, it looks like the “why so serious?” lettering in The Dark Knight movie. I say leave it and paint gold around it!

14 years ago

“Re: this not being a hate crime – obv they have a right to ask but does it have to be in that manner? It’s all about the delivery.”

Yeah, it really does call attention to the privilege of the person who thinks this is not a problem.